Link just couldn’t believe it, his attacks even with the greatest intent did nothing to dominate this man. He couldn’t do anything else other than what he just done and that was it for him. There was nothing left except fear. Finding it all too hard to think of a solution to his problem he simply saw himself with a horrible future, his fate simply being one of pain and death. The worst part about it all was his spirit was locked away and everything that made him a ‘hero’ was hidden away. Even his arms were heavy, his wrists locked in defeat. The feeling he had was the exact same feeling as getting attacked by a bully, throwing a rock in retaliation and the rock going flying over the bully’s head. This guy was must worse than a bully though, instead throwing everything at them to mock them before killing them instead of leaving them all as bloody pulps. Remaining hidden under his shield he tried to recollect his thoughts, struggling to come up with a plan other than keep trying to shoot more until he had nothing left. Trying to keep out of the way of all attacks he barely noticed Caelan come sliding in, trying to clear his head and get around all the panic before he was called out on it, gasping and looking out from under his shield at him. With little understanding to how that would help other than make him an extra target he instead gasped as Nayrin pulled him to his feet against his will, looking to her immediately in fright. Finding it hard to find the right words he hesitated, staring at her with his mouth open before he looked away. “I-I don’t know…how to-“ Gasping as the sound of a static charge powered through the air, his eyes looking to Demoko when he realised it came from him. He didn’t know why Demoko hadn’t just finished off this guy himself if he was able to do something like that. He was almost jealous of Demoko having this much power and treating it as if it was second nature, even if he did just get it. Frowning as negativity was only building up inside him he gasped as his mind was invaded once more, lowering his head as instructions were given again. He didn’t understand why it would work a second time if it didn’t work the first, but if he was to try again then at least he’d know it’d be safe enough to call a retreat while he made a last resort dash to hold this guy off while everyone else retreated. Taking in a deep breath he held his arm up again, trying to focus on Onyx’s head. “S-Sophos! Use your power to intensify the space continuum around the bolt I’m going to fire! Nayrin and Aadab, combine your powers together to draw his energy out…Calean! Splash him while he’s electrocuted! I…just have one…more shot…” Keeping his arm steady he hesitated a few seconds before letting out a yell, firing the bolt straight for Onyx’s head.