Appearance: [img][/img] Name: Sai Wu Age: 21 Nationality: Earth Kingdom/Northern Water Tribe School/location: Ba Sing Se Bending types: Earth/metal, Water/ice Additional skills: Electronics knowledge, chi blocking, Lore Job: Electronics engineer Pets: Spirit Fox Possessions: Laptop, cell phone, jug of water Personality: He's likes to learn about a wide variety of things, and wants to know how everything works. This has lead to him having an understanding of all bending types, even though he only has the ability to use two of them. His obsession with learning has lead to him not practicing his own bending as much as he could. History: Born to a Ship Engineer from the Earth Nation and a Healer from the Northern water tribe, he was born in a coastal city. When, at the age of five, he was found to be a Prospective, they moved to Ba Sing Se. There his father got a job working at a shipyard and his mother got a job working at a local hospital. Though he was the only ones who went to the Prospective Academy, his siblings kept up with him as a bender, his brother being a Earth, and later metal bender, and his sister being a water bender. He would return home every night and spar against them. Eventually, he grew up and decided to do something with his love of electronics. He uses his metal banding abilities to design metal parts and circuits for the devices he builds, but for the most part his job doesn't use his abilities.