Name: Q'lar Race: Khajit Age: 23 Gender: Male Appearance: Standing at 5'5", Q'lar is quite small. He has brown fur that resembles orange. He has black stripes around his arm and stomach area and acquired some scars in his face. He looks almost like every other Khajit although the fierceness in his eyes are like no other. Personality: He is quite the liar, often lying than telling the truth. He can be surprisingly kind when he wants to but this is usually a lie like most of his personality. No one knows what his true personality is so he can be pretty unpredictable. He wears many masks and has no problem changing between it in a blink of an eye. Background: Q'lar was born in Elswyr, raised in Skyrim. He was trained by his parents to be a good thief and how to protect himself. He has trained for almost six years before the rebellion broke out and they had to lay down for a while. When the battle was over, they were instantly caught and was forced under slavery. His parents died because they retaliated and now Q'lar wanted revenge but he doesn't mind if it takes time. He will wait for the right moment. Abilities: - He's a very good thief. - He's decent with a bow and arrow and knives - He knows basic magic spells.