[center][img]http://media.tumblr.com/0fed383e712928cb2a22dac8a808822d/tumblr_inline_nh20i23rzY1t7u77x.png[/img] [i]Summer-Autumn Candy Willard[/i] [b]Species:[/b] Human [b]Gender:[/b] flawless female [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Personality:[/b] Shy and introverted yet outgoing and talkative whenever she needs to be, total badass but will then cry that she’s too weak and that you need to hold her, friendly and liked by everyone but she can take anyone a fight and scare them, has terrible anxiety and about 32643872 triggers but she’s definitely not damaged goods. She’s the whole package! Of course. [b]Powers/Abilities:[/b] can get any guy to like her by just staring at him, can make anyone like her, can kick anyone’s ass, can sing flawlessly but of course she’s nervous about singing in front of people, gets straight As but never studies, is good at every sport/game/instrument/craft even if she hasn’t even done it before. Basically she’s good at everything! [b]Backstory:[/b] Summer Autumn was born to a rich father and a less than rich mother in a secluded town in eastern European country (probably Yugoslavia because even though it hasn’t existed since the 1980’s, who cares about historical accuracy, right?! But hey, Summer Autumn was made up by a 11 year old who just thinks Yugoslavia is a funny word). You would think that would mean there’s a language barrier but nope! Her parents were English so she grew up speaking English as her first language. In fact, Summer Autumn can speak 7 languages! When she was 3, she was kidnapped by a gang that her father used to run with and was taken to a camp where they kept her until she was 8. That was when she escaped by killing all the guards and gang members at the camp with nothing more than a pocket knife. She ran away to the nearest city where the mayor and his wife adopted her out of pity. When she was 10, both of her new parents were killed in an assassination even though they were just the head of a tiny, insignificant town. For some reason or another, Summer Autumn was sent to America by the adoption agency (who had no involvement until now of course) and was taken in by a family in the slums of Detroit. She had a hard life from the age of 10 to 13, living with her new NEW family. This made her even more tough than she already was and she went through oh so many hardships. Her new mother was stabbed to death when Summer Autumn was 12 and her new father molested her up until the age of 13 because that’s when he killed himself. Of course. At age 13, she was sent to live with a middle class family who hates her because she's good at everything and has been living there ever since. Cliche is [b]super glorious max unicorns[/b] [/center]