[center][b][u]Vivi-Dream[/center][/b][/u] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/12348/posts/ooc]OOC HERE[/url] [b]THIS RP IS ALWAYS OPEN[/b] A grade school girl with a huge crush; An elderly man approaching his last days; A jaded construction worker wanting to switch careers; A gangster who just wants to financially care for his siblings; A hikikomori who is also a hopeless hoarder. What do all of these people have in common? They are all able to access a peculiar world called Vivi-Dream. Vivi-Dream is an extremely malleable place that only several people in the world can reach. It changes according to what each dreamer brings, although the general layout is the main city dubbed Remniche branching out into different routes that are each bizarre and illogical by realistic standards. One route is a massive labyrinth that no one could hope to navigate in one night’s sleep. Another leads to an upside-down palace. Another has a house that gets smaller like a matryoshka doll the more someone investigates it. Another could be a broken Rube Goldberg machine that needs fixing. Some locations only appear when a dreamer arrives and vanishes when they wake up. Likewise, the characters that these dreamers become in Vivi-Dream are equally as bizarre. However, when that persona is chosen, they tend to remain that way for life. Dubbed as Oneiros, these characters represent the dreamer’s interests, thoughts, and life situations. The Oneiros are then able to explore Remniche and the world of Vivi-Dream for the duration of their dream. The trip could be a harmless scavenger hunt, or could lead to a battle against monsters. Usually these journeys reveal something about the world or of the Oneiros themselves, which could lead to enlightenment for the person or solving a small piece behind Vivi-Dream itself. Speaking of which, Vivi-Dream is accessible only to a select number of people. Not everyone can reach it, and the Oneiros aren’t sure why. When these people wake up, they can remember their experience in great detail. Likewise, if Oneiros meet each other in real life, they experience déjà vu and can then discuss what happened. There is even a small group of people who convene to talk about Vivi-Dream, usually meeting at the local Reverie Bakery and Café at scheduled hours. Their goal is to find out what Vivi-Dream is and why only they can reach it. Several theories have been brought to the table, but nothing has been proven yet. The ultimate conclusion is to solve the mystery behind Vivi-Dream’s existence and find out its origins. Is it benevolent or malicious in nature? Is there a purpose behind bringing a select few into this world? That’s for the resident Oneiros to find out. ** This RP largely takes place in Vivi-Dream, with only short segments in the real world for the dreamers to convene in the Reverie Bakery and Café if so needed. If you’re familiar with the game [i]Yume Nikki[/i], this is extremely similar to it. It’s an exploratory dream world that only has a few static elements, and the objective is to find out what Vivi-Dream is. CHARACTER SHEET [b]Real World Name:[/b] (the real-life persona) [b]Age:[/b] (how old they are) [b]Real World Bio:[/b] (Their real life situation. Keep it short – the RL characters won’t be RP’ed as much) [b]Oneiros Name:[/b] (the dream persona’s identity) [b]Appearance:[/b] (short description and/or image of your Oneiros character) [b]Oneiros Bio:[/b] (this one can be a bit longer than the RL bio, but I don’t want to comb through an entire essay, thank you) Since Vivi-Dream isn’t restricted to genre, you’re able to make whatever archetype you desire. However, you do need to be malleable enough to work with other genres you may not have a particular interest in. You’re able to make a Space Marine, but you should be able to cope with a high fantasy setting as well. You could make a magical girl, but be prepared to have her fight a sci-fi Lovecraftian alien invasion. You can bring a fandom that you like, but don’t make it dominate the story. And some obvious rules: 1. No god moding. This is a dream world, not the realm of gods. 2. As I want to compile this into a readable story, I ask for the best grammar and spelling you can bring. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but please don’t blatantly disregard the English language. 3. No bashing, swearing in OOC or trolling. Some cursing is acceptable in story, as long as it’s tasteful and for a good reason. 4. Have fun and be spontaneous. Character Roster Benit149 - [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/11550/posts/ooc?page=1#post-250201]Cordelia Ignavis / Hez; Lin[/url] Beloved - [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/11550/posts/ooc?page=1#post-251475]Quinn Malone / Valentine[/url] eddieddi - [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/11550/posts/ooc?page=1#post-252687]Alexander Luthor / Dice; Richard Armstrong / Erebus[/url] Berserker - [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/11550/posts/ooc?page=1#post-254677]Nicholas Kozlovsky / Black Knight[/url] Zaresto - [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/11550/posts/ooc?page=1#post-254788]Samuel Carnell / Realm[/url] Chaos Kid - [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/11550/posts/ooc?page=1#post-255829]Belden Sinclair / Dual[/url]