[b][color=ed1c24]BE WARNED THEIR BE SPOILERS[/color][/b] This thread is for those fans of J.R.R. Tolkiens Middle-Earth and Peter Jacksons interpetation of that world. We can discuss anything about the world of the books and movies here. I'll start with my favorite Races of Middle-Earth and why I like them. Dwarves: As Bilbo stated before the battle in the third Hobbit movie Dwarves have many faults but their positive traits more than make up for their negative ones in my opinion. I believe you would never find a better friend then in a Dwarf. They donot beat around the bush or speak in riddles like Elves and they're more loyal then most men. I like their weapons and armor more so then that of the Elves or Men. Hobbits: Gandalf said in the Fellowship that you can learn everything you need to know about them in a day but despite seventy years they can still surprise you. You can't judge what a Hobbit is until you put them in the fire so to speak. They can be surprisingly brave and are crack shots as seen when Bilbo is throwing rock at the end of Battle of Five Armies, when Merry and Pippin are throwing rocks from atop Treebeard in Two Towers, and in one of the books (I can't remember if its Fellowship or Hobbit) its written that in The Shire wildlife know to avoid a Hobbit with a bow or slingshot... or something like that I can't remember exactly what it said. Men of Rohan: They're like Vikings with horses only they don't go raiding. Brave and skilled they seem like an interesting group of peple.