[img]http://pre00.deviantart.net/56a6/th/pre/i/2015/063/6/a/sniper_by_leejj-d8j1y0s.jpg[/img] [b]Age[/b]: 30 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Former nationality[/b]: American [b]Personality[/b]: Outgoing, friendly and really bad with jokes, Andrew never seems to be sad or angry, always joking around. But that's just a facade to keep himself and others calm, and when he truly snaps, things get out of control quickly. Unfortunately for his opponents, Andrew becomes more accurate, but far less careful the angrier he is. [b]Survival[/b]: Andrew toured nearly all the world, from being stationed in South Korea, to Afghanistan, even Saudi Arabia during the climax of Adamantite's discovery. He was a veteran. One of the best, and got recruited to Haven's private defensive military. But nothing prepared him for the Invasion. Entire city turned into monstrosities in hours, massive robots building something terrifying, and aliens that moved faster than his eyes could see. Nevertheless, he was on the front lines, luring the Husks away from the heroes who were actually able to fight the invaders. Andrew never expected to survive, but here he is - alive and mostly well. [b]Goals[/b]: A patriot at heart, Andrew hopes to rebuild the United States of America, better than it ever was. One that the Founding Fathers envisioned. [b]Skill-set[/b]: Sniper/Veteran Soldier [b]Magic Affinity[/b]: Kinetic Manipulation - Andrew noticed that with enough focus, his shots started to slightly defy gravity, even slightly change their course. Unfortunately, this was not telekinesis, as this power only applies to projectiles.