[quote=@thewizardguy] Yep. I created a situation in which you people have no way out, faced with literally impossible odds. And hell, even if you were to find some creative solution, I'd just invent a counter anyway. I mean, as we all know, impossible odds are impossible, and are never ignored in favour of awesome. That's why in HCL the big bad is never defeated, and the good guys always lose. Your constant bickering is beginning to annoy me, if you don't like how I'm running things go join another rp, or take over, or whatever, but stop throwing around baseless assumptions like they're worth something. [/quote] I am sick of your shit. I really am. I personally think I kinda suck at gm-ing. I really do. But when I start a shitstorm, I always have ways it can be stopped. Sure they aren't easy, but they are ways. Because I know that when something as bullshittingly insane as a multiversal threat goes down, there needs to be at least one way to prevent it. Hell, a three year old kid knows that. You on the other hand, do not. You don't care about the story. You only care about killing off our chars like the sadistic prick you are. Yeah, I went there. And I'm not going back. Your chars are bullshit, your multiversal threats are bullshit, and omega is bullshit. If I had a dollar for every time you DIDN'T pull some sort of bullshit, I'd be dirt poor, living in a dumpster, and thousands of dollars IN DEBT. You are an asshole. No, that's putting it nicely. If assholes were magical rings, you'd be the one ring. The one used by sauron in his attempt to take over middle earth. And that's not even the worst part. I honestly have no idea how you were able to achieve co-gm status. You just suck at being a balanced rper. In terms of powergaming, you put tyki, anriu, hell even me to shame. Are you proud of that? Because that's not something to be proud of. It really isn't. Fuck you, Fuck your multiversal threats, Fuck your chars, and Fuck your reservation on the rehashes. It was never your call anyway.