In this world, there are four great seas, separated by two rings which wrap around the world. The first is a ring of land, and the second, a ring of ocean surrounded by waters where there are neither currents nor winds. In another time, these seas would be known as the Blues, and the rings would be the Red Line and Grand Line. In another time, a man known as Gol D. Roger would explore the Grand Line and conquer it, challenging pirates to find his treasure, the One Piece with his dying breath... Whether that time is far in the future of this world or far in the past, it cannot be said for certain. All that matters now is the tale of the brave adventurers who've taken it to themselves to conger the Last Ocean. These adventurers hail from the four Seas, and they yearn to discover what answers this world has to offer. This is the tale of one of those crews of brave men and women. ~~~~~ Okay, so here's the Character Sheet Template: Name: Age: Gender: Role: Appearance: Personality: Background: Unless there's some complaint, everyone will start in the Sea of Aqua (East Blue). Post your Character Sheets for approval. Your role is a role on the ship. CAPTAIN IS NOT AN ACCEPTABLE ROLE. The role of the captain will be voted for. Anyway, enjoy.