[@kishin asura] I created HCL, I have run HCL since it was put together. I'm not sure if you got the memo, but practically every single story that has ever occurred in HCL has been GMed and run by me. When Tiny was GM, he asked me for help, and I helped him as such. I'm sure you have issues, but if you're going to insult my Gming you've got to realize you're making a declaration against 80% of everything that has ever happened within HCL, hell more if you count the amount of time before you even joined. Not a solution? There are a hundred! Fight off the Daemon, who are weakened due to existing outside their source of power. Close the hole using knowledge gained from defeating Genocide, or perhaps figuring out what the hole is! If you can't solve this problem it's not because I haven't created a solution, there are more than one I've previously generated. But perhaps the fact that you have actively chosen to cease participating in the story. Do you know how many characters I've killed off? Two! One of which was unintentional! Kevin was supposed to be a singular example, which I only even did because I knew Creed had other characters to play. Had Creed made a statement, then I would have reversed it! A sadistic prick? Really? What have I done that I warrant being insulted to that extent? I am currently very tempted to simply kick you out. But I'm not going to. If you leave, it is fully of your own volition, because you were no longer enjoying the stories being written here. You are fully within your rights to go do something else - roleplaying is intended to be fun, and if you're not having fun there is no point. If you have issues with my methods or what I do, then I will welcome any constructive criticism you have for me, provided you manage to leave out the insults and shouting. But here's my rule. This post is the last one with shouting. If you reply to me, do so in reason. If you start some kind of shitstorm and ruin the rp for me, and potentially others, because you're not enjoying it, then you're out. I would love to keep you around, but I'm doing this because I love writing stories for people. And if you're ruining that for me, then you're going to have to go.