[b]Name:[/b] Tomas Ramirez [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Personality/Interests:[/b] Tomas has a dry sense of humor, and tends to be sarcastic. He's not the best at talking to people and likes to let his actions speak for him. He's more comfortable being around people than being alone. He's not hard to get along with and gives an aloof and down to earth appearance, but has a quick temper. He also has a bad habit of remaining loyal to anyone he's with, even if they end up manipulating him. However, he's not naive, instead almost desperate for company. He likes steam technology, cults, and old movie posters. [b]Appearance: [/b] [i]General:[/i] Can appear intimidating, sharp eyes, and a crooked smile. [i]Build:[/i] Thick-set, basically has the body type of a brick. [i]Hair/Hair color:[/i] Shaved, brown. [i]Skin color:[/i] Hispanic [i]Eye color:[/i] Brown [i]Height/Weight:[/i] 5'10", 155 lbs. [i]Other/Notable Features:[/i] He has some burn scars on his hands from improper use of tools, but nothing too serious. [b]Equipment: [/b] [i]Weapons:[/i] Sledgehammer and a straight razor. [i]Supplies:[/i] Water, various canned foods, a stimpack, and a weapon repair kit. [b]Talents/Abilities: [/b] He's great in a fight, pretty durable (Doesn't use guns, though, since he's pretty bad with them). Also good at repairing things and picking locks.