[b]Name:[/b]Naganori Igarashi [b]Callsign:[/b] "Crow" [b]Age:[/b] 29 [b]Appearance (Normal)[/b] Naganori's face looks like that of a typical Japanese man. Thin eyes, clean-shaven, short black hair, and young for his age. He is tall by local standards, but slightly short compared to his foreign allies. He has a slightly muscular build, but not as large as some other soldiers. He prefers the lack of body mass in order to maximize movement speed, and minimize his size (to decrease the chances of detection) His clothing will either consist of his formal officer uniform, or any casual wear he has on hand. On his back, he has [url=http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/044/6/1/Crow_Tattoo_by_xSHADOW_RABBITx.jpg]a crow tattoo[/url] which he got upon enlisting into his old unit ("Birds of Prey"), as a form of initiation into the unit, as every member has a tattoo of the bird of their callsign. [hider=Appearance (Combat)] [img=http://i556.photobucket.com/albums/ss3/BlargSmarg/Sniper_by_lemuren.png] [/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] In a nutshell, Naganori is a loyal yet pragmatic soldier. If he has orders, he will most likely follow them, no matter how much risk is involved (to both himself and others). However, this does not mean he doesn't have an independent mind. He has his own opinions on a mission, but he prefers to keep it to himself. The reason is not entirely blind loyalty however. Throughout his years in the Japanese Self Defense Forces, he has learned to trust his superiors to know the best course of action. However, if he is forced into a situation where he must choose between orders and something else, he will choose the most practical option for mission completion. This has gotten him some flak from allies as a cold man,but Naganori has his reasons. He believes that jeopardizing a mission simply to save someone's life or accomplish something else is completely selfish, and not the actions of an honorable soldier. This does not mean that he doesn't care for his fellow men, as he will still protect them to the best of his ability, but if the mission's success is put on the line, then he will put its accomplishment above his own personal agendas. In the end though, he will always carry the guilt of the sacrifices he made. He just never lets it show, nor cloud his judgment. [b]History:[/b] Born and raised in Tokyo, Japan, underneath a father in the Japanese Maritime Defense Forces. Naganori was molded into the disciplined lifestyle at an early age. Given the political instability around them, people of Japan were brought up to value honor and discipline. Very few of their citizens indulged in the trend of watching PMC's slaughter each other on international TV. More importance was placed on their military might in order to avoid assimilation into the corporate conglomerates of the world. At the earliest possible age, Naganori enlisted into the Self Defense Forces. With Japan being one of the few remaining countries that weren't crooked, their soldiers were often sent by the U.N. into foreign battlefields as Peacekeeping Forces, to keep the warring PMC's from causing massive damage and harming civilians. Naganori was part of an infantry unit known as "Birds of Prey", specializing in marksmanship and intel gathering. Their roles on the field were to act as scouts for other units, and to provide sniper support. Naganori was seen to be exceptionally gifted. Managing to remember a great amount of details during reconnaissance, and having impressive accuracy as a sniper. His unit was deployed into many parts of the globe, including Africa, the Middle East, and Europe. This has allowed him to be proficient in many languages, and as such he acts as the team's interpreter and translator. During a deployment into the African state of Nigeria, where PMC forces were causing mass destruction, The Birds of Prey were ambushed on their scouting mission, 2 men were killed, and Naganori went missing. The remaining members of Birds of Prey retreated to the nearest FOB. Naganori was labelled as MIA and wasn't found until 2 days later. Apparently, he had spent his isolation attempting to complete the mission. According to him, he had followed the ambushers to their base and began collecting information on their numbers, weapons, equipment, and security detail. After gathering what intel he could, he made his way back to the nearest FOB to report his findings. The information he collected was pivotal to putting an end to the PMC operations in that area. Naganori was given special commendation for his actions, and was recommended to the U.N. higher-ups for transferal to the Blaze Unit. They hope that his skills as a scout and sniper will be of use in hunting down Dead Shadows. [b]Special talents and skills:[/b] Being a member of Birds of Prey, Naganori was found to be naturally gifted at handling a sniper rifle, and stealthily gathering intelligence. He is known to have a photographic memory, capable of remembering even the smallest details. This has, more often than not, been of great use to his allies. Due to the various places he has been deployed into, Naganori was able to use his memory to learn several languages, some of which are Arabic, German, and Somali. Thus he can act as an interpreter when in foreign lands. However, he does not know every language, and so his abilities in this field are limited. [b]Personal weapons and equipment[/b] [list] [*][url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steyr_Scout#Steyr_Elite]Steyr Elite[/url] with a normal and thermal scope, and suppressor. This was Naganori's rifle ever since he was first put into the "Birds of Prey". He has kept it as both a memento and an effective weapon, capable of killing a man with a single shot.[/*] [*][url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SIG_Sauer_P226#P226_Elite]SIG P226 Elite Dark[/url] fitted with a red Laser-Aiming-Module (LAM), and equipped with a silencer[/*] [*]Standard KA-BAR Combat knife[/*] [*]Optical Mask. This is a new type of technology for Recon Units. The mask acts as both protective face-wear, and a telescope. The mask allows the wearer to zoom in and out, letting them perform reconnaissance without the need for scopes. It can also be switched into a nightvision mode, allowing wearers to see in pitch blackness without the need to carry heavy goggles.[/*] [*]Ballistic Combat Armor[/*] [/list] [hider=Personal Theme:] [youtube]tUXjWeWuVSk[/youtube] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUXjWeWuVSk]Alternative link[/url] [/hider] [i]*Tell me if there's anything wrong or OP about him or his equipment, and I'll edit them as soon as I can :)[/i]