Well, from what I remember, [hider=Spoilers] Scion went Cray-Cray and killed like, 6 billion people. Everyone else decided this was sub-optimal and tried to kill god. In the ensuing showdown, most of earths population was evacuated to an unpopulated alternate earth. One which thankfully lacked shiny golden psychopaths... at the start anyway. So, when Taylor went full chessmaster and defenestrated Scion (Zion), it left 2 billion earthlings trying to build a life on an empty world, while the remains of the protectorate wonder what the hell just happened. We were just beginning to see towns coming up and smaller groups forming around the remaining independent powered individuals (Like Bitch), when in comes the revelation that the death of Scion has triggered a degradation in all the hostless shards left from dead heroes. Now, in addition to normal human (and supervillian, don't forget, we emptied the prisons.) problems, we have to deal with a new generation of broken Hosts becoming ticking time bombs. [/hider]