Much to his disappointment, the pissed chick seemed to calm down and remove a good source of entertainment. Granted, a fight breaking out would kind of dampen the special meeting that the Dean and company had planned for the special invitees, so Alex guessed it was more good than bad that the fight had not broken out after all, and had quieted down. The guy promptly went and got himself a death threat, calling some girl a babe, which got him chuckling as he threw his two cents, figuratively of course, into the mess. "Man, your zero and two, might want to cut your losses before someone decides to actually pop you one. As for you, lass, right interesting threat you spat out there. Good show, all of you." Alex had an easy grin on his face, not moving from his spot as he pretty much mouthed off at the people that he had no idea who they were, at all really, which was never a smart idea, but he wasn't necessarily the smartest person at times. Besides, he was killing time until someone took over and started making speeches at them again, and he had to sit there and listen to something that he hoped would be more interesting, or at the very least relevant. Adjusting his glasses, he kept an ear open for the dean while looking in their direction, half hoping that someone would spark off again.