hey there My idea is playing itself of in Paris, around the time from the movie The Moulin Rouge [ say it is 1850's ]. My character, a young adult women from a not so rich family, just lost her grandma and the money the old woman had left, was for her. Her dream was to bring her own fashion to the world, so with that money she traveled to Paris and there she had just enough money for 3 nights at your hotel, the cheapest room. After those three nights, [ a little where the RP starts / the first post will take place ] she tells your char [ a male ] about her dream and your char will offer her the money she needs but she will have to pay him back in 1 year or marry him after that year. its just some idea, if you have something different, then please give me your idea. ------------------- if you have any other idea's for a RP.. I am interested in: Modern, School, Historical, Fantasy, Romance, Anime/Mange, Fandom and Military a little bit [ I am not really into fighting rp's yet action i do like ] My Roleplay Ability's 1. [try to] Give a great time during the RP 2. Come up with new ideas and even help if my partner locked him / herself up in the last post. 3. Post 1 / 2 paragraphs [ sometimes more ] 4. Write posts with some good Grammar, or at least I do my best with it. 5. I can double! I prefer to play Female but I try to play a Male so now and then too.