Hello! I'm Piper. While I'm new to the site, I'm not new to role playing. I've been role playing for about six years now. Lately, the role plays I have going on another site aren't as active as I would like them to be, so I decided to branch out onto another website. I'll put a bit about me first, and then onto the pairings I'm interested in. -Being female, I prefer to play female characters. I ask that my partner(s) play males. -I don't like to role play smut. Fade-to-black when/if necessary. -My replies can go from a shorter paragraph to three or four longer ones. I'm pretty flexible on length but please, for the love of all that is holy, no one-liners. -I ask that I get a response at least once a day. Being home schooled, I can reply more than once a day but I get that most people aren't home all day long, hehe. -Basic manners apply. Don't god-mod, tell if if you need to break, talk to me instead of just dropping the role play, etc. So, that's everything about me I think I should write. I think I've scared people off when tons of rules and stuff. Typical Scorpio, I guess. Heh. Anyway, onto the pairings. These are all based in a modern setting, and romance is preferred but not as the main plot. There needs to be other stuff goin' on, you know? Vampire x Human (I'm a sucker for this pairing, sue me. But please, no Twilight-y things. I like vampire pairings to be one the darker side. All of the pairings listed below can be Vampire x Human, or not.) Hunter x Hunted Master x Slave Prisoner x Keeper Arranged Marriage Human x Ghost/Spirit Detective x Scientist Human x Android That's all for now. Please reply to this thread or PM me if you're interested. :)