Hey it's alright. I really appreciate the apology and I understand that wasn't how you meant to come off now. I did notice that you lacked some confidence, I suppose now I know why. Well, let me tell ya something Will. I've only recently become a GM for a Casual Advanced rp, one I'm very passionate about. I stuck with my own policies and rules to a T, and warned everyone before hand that I'm a very harsh critic. I've been told to 'Shove my ego up my ass' and been dealt so much sass at this point that it's not even funny because I refuse to lower my standards (or increase them for that matter) for anyone. I am, however, not dismissive of anyone's legitimate questions and do my best to make sure everyone can have a good time; because those that adhered to my standards deserved it for working so hard to make their ways into my rp. What I'm saying is, to make others believe in you, you have to believe in yourself. Otherwise they'll walk all over you. So many, SOOOO MANY rpers feel entitled to the world a GM makes and feel they can do whatever they want because they've gotten away with it before. There's a difference between [i]Collaboration[/i] and [i]Condescending[/i]. Will people hate you for it? Most definitely and it's hilarious because you get to watch them act like complete babies (so long as you give them minimalist answers and don't respond out of anger). But the people who respect your rules, conform to your story will be the best kind of people to work with. I absolutely adore and love everyone in the rp I'm GMing and that was because I chose not to deal with anyone who challenged me, meaning I can give them a special experience unique to their own characters without feeling any sort of resentment. I know getting there is hard, believe me, but you'll achieve the right amount of stubbornness eventually. Just keep working on it. 1% better every day, and in 100 days, you'll be 100% better :)