Name: Shinen Kurogane Age: 28 Gender: Male Role: Doctor/Chemist/Swordsman Appearance: Red Eyes and Black hair. Stands at 6'3 and has a sinister air to him. Always wearing square rimmed glasses and a white coat, though his underclothes are in flux. Carries a tanto and a wakizashi, both with black steel blades, on his left hip when he leaves the ship. Personality: Very cold and aloof. Generally seems to have a chip on his shoulder, and tends to be just fine with beating a man halfway to death and then helping him to recover. Background: From age 5 to 19 he lived in a dojo, training in the way of the sword. At 19, his excessive ego and lust for battle found him kicked to the streets. For a year, he roamed, fighting to prove he was the best, until he found himself aboard the ship of the Blade Devil Pirates. Convinced in his own superiority, he challenged the pirates. He fought several of their top officers, gaining the attention of their captain, who had eaten the Arms-Arms fruit. Thoroughly outmatched by the devil fruit eater, Kurogane was tossed overboard and left for dead. He ended up clinging to life, and washed ashore on an island inhabited by an elderly doctor and chemist. The man saved Kurogane's life, explaining that the swordsman would become his successor in payment for the life that was saved, as the doctor had no heir. So, for the next 8 years, the swordsman trained under the doctor, becoming skilled in the medical and chemical arts as he was with the blade. When the old man passed away, Kurogane once more set to the road, trying to find some new direction in his life. As a note, I will not be joining the group until later in the RP, just putting up my character for later.