[b]Scarlett - Baton Rouge[/b] Scarlett nodded solemnly as the young woman spoke about just having one person with her and she decided to believe her, although every few seconds Scarlett would look over her shoulder. She grabbed as many cans as she thought her group would need, but still made sure the other woman had some for herself and her companion that was waiting for her outside. Luckily, the store was what seemed to be a mixture of a 'stop and go' and a souvenir shop. Half and half. Scarlett made her way over to the farthest wall with shirts handing from fixtures and began to look for some that looked like they could fit Katie and Liam. Of course they wouldn't be the most fashionable, but in times like these no one really care about fashion. Once she found something roughly around Katie's size, Scarlett grabbed one in a long sleeve form and one in a short sleeve form, same with Liam. Both a gender neutral color so that there wouldn't be a big deal. Unfortunately that was all that was offered in the small clothing section of the store; shirts and a few adult hoodies with the name [i]Louisiana[/i] written across the chest or pictures of alligators and such. Moving away from the clothes. Scarlett quickly skimmed the last aisle and grabbed a small plastic box of plastic hair ties and normal hair ties. She had wondered if Katie would like a braid or maybe a ponytail for a change, so she made a mental note to get hair ties. If Tyler didn't want Katie to have a type of maternal figure for the young girl, then Scarlett would be the little girl's best friend. Tyler never said anything about being friends with her. Finding the few things she needed, Scarlett started walking towards the front door, her stomach beginning to do flips. What if the female was lying? What if there are others outside? Scarlett took a deep breath to settle her nerves and began walking over to the door, only to stop one she was a few feet from it. Turning, she bit her lip as she tried to form the question in her head, "Um... By any chance... You wouldn't happen to have seen another woman that looks like me?" Scarlett looked at the young woman with a hint of hope in her eyes only to have it disappear as soon as she saw the girl shake her head. Scarlett nodded, disappointed, and returned to her walk to the door. She didn't turn to face the girl inside as she exited, her eyes locked on the new face waiting outside. "Oh." Scarlett's eyes ran up and down, taking in every detail of the petite woman across from her. She held a weapon in her hand but Scarlett made no move to either defend herself or to run. Instead, she walked to the side of the store, ever so slowly, keeping her eyes on the woman. "Your friend is inside, unharmed. She's searching for supplies.... If I may give you a quick tip about this city... Run from it... If you hear trucks, hide from them. Don't let them see you." Scarlett was aware that this was a morbid warning that lacked any sort of specifics but in reality, she didn't really have any specifics to elaborate on. Raising her hands to show that she wasn't going to do anything stupid, Scarlett hooked both of her thumbs on the backpack straps and began to jog backwards. She didn't want to spend anymore time there. Being outnumbered wasn't a pretty feeling and she didn't want to be caught there if and when Tremblay's men showed up. Once she was a good, few feet away from the petite woman, Scarlett quickly turned to face the way she was headed and ran off, unsheathing her blade with one hand and facing it to where it was pointing down before hooking her thumb back on the backpack strap. She'd need to make her way to a barber shop before heading back to the hotel. That's the only place she'd be able to find a good straight razor and shaving cream.