I'm interested in starting an rp with someone willing to play a male geek/nerd. I felt like an apocalypse would be an interesting setting. I'd like to (eventually) pair my female character up with this geek as time goes on. I am fond of either a zombie apocalypse or a nuclear apocalypse as the main universe setting. I want the two of them to work together to survive. I'm not overly concerned about post length as long as it gives me enough to work with. I tend to do maybe a paragraph per post depending. I work a lot so I may take a bit to respond but I do make a point to check in daily several times. What I'd like in the geek character: extremely smart, a victim of bullying, a kind nature, shyness, and socially awkward. We can base this in any age range 18 and up. If you want to include other characters as well I would be happy to indulge and I would play male or female if we add more people. Respond here or pm me. I am also open to violence and sexual content.