[b]Lillah & Vivian -- Baton Rouge[/b] Lillah remained quiet as she "shopped." Of course, her primary concern was the food, but she would occasionally drop a dusty book or article of clothing into her bag. The shoppe was a good find, full of diverse goods and she made a note of it on the map in her head. It'd be worth returning to, though there was only so much she and Vivian could carry without being slowed down. She stopped toward the front of the shoppe by the cashier tables and picked up a few lighters, testing them. Fire was always good, so she dropped them into her bag. Before she continued her search, she noticed the stranger was leaving. Lillah paused to watch; while she was always looking out for Vivian, she tended to look out for the people around Vivian as well. Though the woman turned to ask her a question--she must've had a sister or something--and at Lillah's negative response, continued on. When she began exchanging only words with Vivian, she turned back to searching. Vivian greeted the woman with a tilt of her head and a scowl. Had she been 6 inches taller and another 50 pounds heavier, she might've been intimidating--though the shot gun helped. "We're just passing through, girly. Worry about yourself," she answered with a dismissive wave of her hand. Her gaze lingered on the woman's bag--no doubt full of useful goods--but she didn't make a move. Instead, she just watched with narrowed eyes as the blonde woman left the area. When Lillah finally stepped out, Vivian grabbed her own bag to carry some of the weight. After the exchange, she said, "We should stick around for a bit. Think there's more people here." "Sounds like a reason to leave," Lillah disagreed, looking around. "More people means more supplies," Vivian pointed out. The taller of the two rolled her eyes and returned the bag to her shoulder as Vivian slipped away the shot gun. "C'mon," was all she said before turning continue their travelling.