[center][img]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/228/f/7/the_darkness_super_saiyan_by_mardock116-d53obdd.png[/img] Chad "Neo" Michaels [b]Species:[/b] Dark Saiyan. [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Immaculate Metalhead Male [b]Clique:[/b] Ultimate Battle Mechanical Wolves. [b]Personality:[/b] MASSIVE metalhead. Listens to metal because it's SO METAL. But he's SUPER nice, poetic, sensitive and misunderstood by those who "just don't get it." He can drink, like, a whole bunch of beer and not even feel drunk and likes to get wild. [b]Catchphrase:[/b] "I told you I was hardcore." [b]Powers/Abilities:[/b] Basically every ability from Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball GT. And Wolverine's Healing Factor. And every psychic power ever. And shapeshifting. Is also a pro at all video games and every musical instrument. Even bass. [i]ESPECIALLY[/i] bass. [b]Backstory:[/b] Chad used to be this high school kid who never fit in and no one got. Until one day when an inter-dimensional portal opened up and the most powerful characters from the Dragon Ball Universe came through. Goku and Vegeta couldn't handle it, but they saw something special in Chad. The used a super rare Portara Fusion technique that allowed three people to fuse and fused with Chad, but he was just so brutal and strong willed that his personality took over while keeping all knowledge of Goku and Vegeta. He used his knowledge of Dragon Ball to figure out how to turn Buu, Cell, Frieza and Beerus into chocolate and ate them, taking their powers and knowledge too. Then he took the Super Saiyan God technique and created the new, more powerful Super Saiyan Devil transformation. Now that he was super strong and cool, he decided to stay in school and save the universe in his spare time. [b]Extra:[/b] The Saiyan fur on Chad's back has a natural, blood-red pentagram pattern in it. His hair also has blood red streaks in it. Brutal. [/center]