Greeting everyone, Hydra here with a Power Ranger RP once again. Hopefully this will take off good. I got the Idea from Dragon Ball Xenoverse Why not have Time Rangers go back in the past and stop evil that is trying to change power rangers history. As i love super Sentai its just to much to try to cover, and my power ranger lore is not all that great but its a smaller Data base and its a lot easier to cover so here is the Idea i have Enjoy. PS if its hard to follow i am sorry I am very sleepy. [img][/img] The year is 3050, and all have been peaceful after the events that lead to Ransik arrest The Ranger went on with their lives. Jennifer Scott went on to raise her ranks within the Time Force Military to commander. Along her Journey, with the help of Trip, Katie, and Lucas they have put away some really bad people from their time. Once individual name Crono He calls himself a God. And for good reason, Crono was originally a scientist for the Silver Guardians way back in 2145. But things went bad on one of his mission and he was left for dead. But die he did not, instead he lived. He found a crystal, and when he touched it- it placed his body is stasis state for 860 years, but his mind was not. It twisted and changed him forever. When he emerged Jen and the other had only been back for a few years. And they had a new threat to take care of. Crono had a strange power of who every he touched he gave them outstanding power and forever changing their body, also making them immortal. But when defeated they body goes into a Stasis like sleep for 24hours then they emerge again to continue their rampage. In the year 3015 Crono had finally left earth taking an army of monster with him, and said he would return to finish earth off once and for all. Time Force Control had finally made a prison that will hold Crono and his Army of immortals for good. Once they go in stasis and they are put into the prison they will stay there for all their days. Jen, Trip, Katie and Lucas went after Crono. The four of them Defeated him with the help of other Time Force personal even called in Wes and Eric for help. Crono was defeated and placed in stasis for good. Or so they thought. Wes and Eric returned to their time but once they returned they had no memory of what happened and life continued for them as if nothing ever happened. The Silver Guardians would last all the way into the future combining with Time Force to Create and Academy called Time Guardian Academy. Where young people were chosen to continue to protect the earth. With the battle done, And Crono imprisoned. Jen Rose within the Ranks of Time Force to succeed the previous commander and new head of time force in 3035. Katie, Trip, and Lucas also rose within the Ranks. Katie became of the head of CTD (Combat training and development), Trip became Head R&D (Research and development) and Lucas Head of the Silver Guardians with his wife Nadira. But deep within Time Force Time Lock Prison Crono is aware of where he is and his working on a plan to get out. In 3049 Crono escapes, taking a huge chunk of Time Force Control with him, and with him the secrets of Time Travel. He had taken his lackeys with him and has jumped and wedged himself between Time and Space waiting to take his revenge. In 3050 a new team fresh out of the Time Guardian Academy. 5 has been chosen to chase Crono threw time and stop what ever evil plot he has. -Phew that was a lot! I know. Where there is my Idea! Let me know what you think!-