[center][h1]The Silver Eyes[/h1][/center] [hider=Elvira Foy] Name: Elvira 'Chibi' Foy Age: 14 Race: Human Height: 5 foot (152.4 centimetres) Weight: 110.231 pounds (50 kilo) Pirate or Marine: Pirate [hider=Image] [img]http://oi41.tinypic.com/jagfie.jpg[/img] [/hider] Bounty: 100,000,000 beli Personality: Elvira is a child. She acts like one and cries when she doesn't get her way. Make sure you don't piss her off, for instance, don't call her 'Chibi' (little), although she is young and small, there is still a reason why she is a high ranking member in her crew. She has little quirks, like she doesn't understand grown up things... and she has a thing for 'yello' making bananas HER fruit, dont eat it around her. History: Elvira's family were all pirates, her brother, dad and mum were once great pirates. When Elvira was three years old her family's crew was attacked out on the sea. Elvira, amongst the chaos slipped into the supply area and found a fruit. She was oh so hungry. When the fruit was all gone so was Elvira, she ate the 'Suke Suke no Mi' devil fruit, turning her completely invisible. Another ship came past and saw how un-even the fight was between the two crews. Interfering with the fight, the crew known as 'The Silver Eyes' destroyed the attackers and boarded Elvira's parents ship. No one survived that attack. A purple haired man came down into the supply area, looking for survivors. No one. He looked down, looking sad. Elvira's transformation had run out, right under his face. The man was shocked, but he knew it was a devil fruit. Adopting her has his sister, she quickly grew into a fearsome pirate and learning to use her powers to aid those in need. Abilities: Elvira has the 'Suke Suke no Mi' devil fruit, allowing her to go invisible as well as objects and other people Techniques: TBA [/hider] [hider=Ray Stryker] Name: Ray Stryker Age: 21 Race: Human Height: 6 foot 4 (‪195.072‬ cm) Weight: 88 kilos (‪194.0068‬ pounds) Pirate or Marine: Pirate [hider=Image] [img]http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/234/a/e/free_____pirate__makoto_by_evil_usagi-d7w73gw.jpg[/img] [/hider] Bounty: 100,200,000 Beli Personality: Ray is a joker most of the time but follows instructions down to the bone, often meaning he doesnt always agree with it. He's always smiling even during fights, often making it seem like he enjoys fighting. Ray sort of does like fighting, it just means that he is alive and ticking. He will never abandon a comrade (unless instructed by Drake) and will follow Drake into hell. History: When Ray was 15 years old he got into trouble with the marines. Ray was secretly dating a commanders daughter and he slipped up one day. Caught by a pissed off dad with extreme power managed to get an order for execution. He told everyone that Ray tried to assassinate him. Ray, hand cuffed, going through the town everyone was watching. Something caught Ray's eyes. A strange looking purple haired man, how odd. Screaming started out of nowhere and almost instantly a massive smoke engulfed the street. Hands grabbed Ray and his head jolted, he's moving. Ray shot through the smoke and looked up at his savior... purple hair. Ray smiled with relief, but asked him why he's saving him. He simply responded with a gesture to a small red haired girl standing at a pier with a massive smile across her face. She wanted him saved. Ray was offered to be part of the crew and owing his life to the now captain of the ship, he gladly accepted. Abilities: [url=http://onepiece.wikia.com/wiki/Jao_Kun_Do]Jao Kun Do[/url] Techniques: TBA [/hider] [hider=Drake Winmore] Name: Drake Winmore (Elvira calls him 'Drakie') Age: 24 Race: Human Height: 6 foot 2 (‪188.976‬ cm) Weight: 60 kilos (‪132.2774‬ pounds) Pirate or Marine: Pirate [hider=Image] [img]http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs8/i/2005/358/0/3/DARK_by_IIclipse.jpg[/img] [/hider] Bounty: 199,900,000 Beli Personality: Drake is a friendly person. He is kind to all who deserve it, likewise, those who dont, well.... bad for them. Drake cares about others before his own safety and he loves the beauty of the world. He is mostly talkative unless something is bothering him, which means its a dead give away. History: Drake's father owned a beautiful ship known as 'White Corruption' home to the crew of 'The Silver Eyes'. When Drakes father found a Devil Fruit he had to make a big decision. Sell it and risk it falling into evil hands or give it to a young person so it can't be used for a long time. The decision was killing him, until one day, he was called to the wheel to discuss a change in direction. Drake, at the age of 7 went into his fathers cabin and saw the delicious looking fruit. Upon eating it, Drake exploded, but not into a fiery explosion, no, just a massive smoke cloud. The Devil Fruit was called 'Moku Moku no Mi'. Afterwards, his father made him train everyday all day, with weapons, guns and fighting styles for almost his whole life. On the way home, his father saw another ship destroying another in an unfair battle and intervened. Because of this act 'The Silver Eyes' gained a new member, Elvira. Drakes father decided to call her his daughter. Because of Drakes training, Elvira too was trained. One day, Drakes father was captured by the marines. In an attempt to break him back out, his children, Drake and Elvira went to where he was being kept, a town. In the vast efforts to get him, it was too late, he had been executed. They had to escape quickly before the marines got to them, the body had to be left there. On the way back to the ship, a young blonde haired kid was up for public execution. Not wanting anymore death, Elvira asked Drake to save him and to make him a crew member. After saving him, Drake became the captain of 'The Silver Eyes' at 18. They had numerous run ins with Monkey D. Luffy and helping them in their journey. Abilities: Moku Moku no Mi Techniques: TBA [/hider] [center][h1]Marines[/h1][/center] [hider=Victor] Name: Santo D. Victor Age: 25 Race: Human Height: 6 foot 3 Weight: 77 kilos Pirate or Marine: Marine (Rear Admiral) [hider=Image] [img]http://orig01.deviantart.net/3c92/f/2015/076/4/b/marine_by_brodz11711-d8m19h4.jpg[/img] [/hider] Bounty: 0 Beli Personality: Victor is a very easy going go and has quite the wits. In his power he often goofs off and does stupid things. He has a vendetta with Drake and often acts cold around him. History: TBA Abilities: Goru Goru no Mi Techniques: [/hider]