Name: Santiago(Jimmy) Orzc Nationality: American Appearance: [IMG][/IMG] Personality: Jimmy is an avid reader, devouring no less than fifty two books a year. He loves fiction more than anything, but that doesn't mean its his only love. He's spent some time on the side, fooling around with natural, and social sciences. Keeping his mind focused on something, when its come to understand there's something else it doesn't know isn't very likely to happen. That being said, Jimmy isn't good with people. Sometimes, despite the reading, he just doesn't understand them. This is also exasperated by the fact he doesn't do well with tension, and tends to clamp up and panic during periods of social dissonance. He prefers animals, particularly his two Siberian Huskies, whom he's taken care of since birth. Likes: Writing, Fiction, Dogs, rain, cold weather Dislikes: Hot days, Spicy foods, reality tv, Tension, illogical people, and Romance in fiction Bio: Jimmy was born to the song "Due looks like a Lady" by Aerosmith, because his mother had to give birth early due to high blood pressure. The doctors thought it would be a good way to ease the tension. That was a high point in his life. The rest of it, up to the start of the story, was spent in school, work, and walking his dogs. Chosen Abilities*: [b]Mystokinesis-The ability to manipulate, shape, and form mystical energies.[/b] [b]Electrokinesis-the ability to create, shape, and manipulate electricity[/b] [b]Biokineses-The power to control all aspects of a living creature's biological make-up.[/b] INFJ personality type.