[hider=Hajime Miko] [img]http://i.cubeupload.com/pglOtc.jpg[/img] Full Name: Hajime Miko Nickname: / Age: 15 School Year: [i]1st[/i] Place of Birth: Kyoto Class: [i]D[/i] Sexuality: Bisexual Marital Status: Single Occupation: [i]Student[/i] Not a member of the Host Club Personality:Hajime is a feisty young girl. She has a short temper but she tries to be nice. Background: Hajime was born to a yakuza boss. She was raised being pampered by her father's underlings. She was taught how to fight, but her mother never neglected to teach Hajime useful skills. So, despite being in class D, Hajime is actually quite smart. Hajime was an only child, so there was no doubt that she would need to become the next Yakuza boss. So on her tenth birthday, Hajime was given her father's solid gold collar to wear, as a sign that she was to be the next boss. Other: Has a tattoo of a dragon on her back. Mainly goes to host club for food. Collar is made of gold and is a family heirloom. [/hider]