Yuuki looked at the most strongest guards, a hundred years ago she married the king of the cat realm, making her go from average demon-girl to the demon queen of cats. ''Listen you little cats.. I can handle this, the man is probably wounded and weak'' she said. ''We have the believe he just killed on of our guards by simply taking out his heart using some shadow magic'' the head of guards said. ''Shadow magic you say hmm?''she asked and walked to her throne, a special stone was placed inside there and she touched it softly. ''He is at the other side of this doors my queen'' the guard said. ''Oh just let him in.. Let's see what he wants'' she said. The guards opened the door but where still ready for a fight as they did and looked at the boy. ''You must be my intruder.. How did you come so far and why are you here?'' Yuuki asked, she looked at him with her red and blue eyes and laid her hand on the box in where the orb was hidden that connected her with the other two high queens.