Khyron smiled at her and changed back into his catling form with his hands in his grey coat and shrugged his shoulders. "Surely your 'sisters' would of told you of the Lord of Shadows, considering one of them has powers very similiar to mine and originally we were supposed to be betrothed." Khyron chuckled and moved back as if he was sitting down and a chair appeared behind him as he continues to stare at Yuuki. "That would be true for any noble or royal blood your 'majesty' but you are just a commoner elevated to royalty through marriage." Khyron's hands moved up to interlock his fingers infront of his face with his chin resting on his hands. "So of the two of us I am the stronger one and if you intend to be like this then I shall simply leave you in this room to starve and not even you would be able to escape from it." Khyron then closed his eyes and sighed before opening them and looked back towards her throne. "Now do you really want to try and hang onto your pride Queen Yuuki or will you submit without me having to break you completely?"