After the Fries incident, Batwoman spent the better part of the night chasing down the the rest of the the straggling thugs on ice. Why couldn't the cold villains do their thing on a hot summer day? The chill bit down to her bones and left her wanting a long hot shower. Dawn was already approaching by the time she finished stringing up the last of them. "I rounded up the rest of them. GCPD are on the way. I'm heading home. If you need me, you know how to reach me." By the time she was back in her penthouse Kate nearly dropped dead in her bed. She'd be more worried about any tracking devices in her suit if she wasn't sure the Bats already had her all figured out. And she wasn't so sure about this whole team thing, so far she felt like another drone in his army. But she didn't care about that now, all she wanted to do was get some sleep... Unfortunately her beauty sleep was interrupted by an obnoxious notification on her new batsuit. And it took her an irritating amount of time to figure out how to shut it off. But reading the message woke her up like getting ice cold water dumped on her. Was finding out someone was in the hospital ever not alarming? After hearing something about street gangs and an explosion Kate let her imagination run wild, so she was relived to find Steph lying in the chair rather than the hospital bed. She quietly placed a blanket over her and let her sleep a little longer. It was too bad about Damian, but the doctor said he was gonna be alright. Kate still questioned how wise it was to have someone so young involved in all this, but it wasn't her decision to make. When Steph finally woke up Kate greeted her with a hot cup of coffee. "Morning sunshine. Looks like you had quite the night."