Helloes, guild! The name's Nero and I'm looking for something *yawn* nostalgic! Yeah, by the title, you've liiiikely guessed what it is already. Pokémon! And exactly that - the classic, two-friends-goes-on-an-adventure ordeal. What I'm looking for is someone to play either a rival or a friend of my character, it doesn't matter! We'll begin the journey from there and the plot can be pretty much anything we like. Gettin' involved with the old, classic rockets? I'm in! Stealing team Plasma's uniform and undercovering everythin'? GOOD! It could even be a 'pokémon trainer x [criminal organization] grunt'. I'm familarized with every region but the Kalos one, so I'd rather avoid that merely because I absolutely have no idea of the pokémon in there. My requeriments aren't much, honestly; be talk-active (yes, you absolutely need to be!!)((I'm kidding)), move the plot with me and be in the casual range. I prefer RPing through PMs over threads and everything else, can be discussed. So, that's all! If interested, drop me a PM or something! See ya ~