Azzhlan sat again in his study, reading a copy of the [i]Res Publica[/i] that he had recently acquired. “It is quite an interesting read Avik. A nation with no Aristocracy. It will be quite the experiment. “Assuming that they defeat the Empire, and the Dominion doesn’t sweep in and take them out. Besides, the likelihood of them approving of your rule is all but none.” “Perhaps not, Avik,” Azzhlan turned the page, “but if things work out in Skyrim, and we can convince the Direnni to secede, it could spell the end of the Empire, leaving us to deal with the Dominion in peace.” Avik smirked, “’In peace.’ An interesting turn of phrase.” Azzhlan chuckled, “Yes, I suppose it is. In any case, without their little lapdog Titus,” Avik spat at the name, “they won’t be able to come at us with anything we haven’t handled before, and this time we won’t be alone.” “Unless they’re stupid enough to try sailing all the way around Tamriel.” Azzhlan broke into laughter, “If only, Avik, if only.” There was a knock at the door. Azzhlan set his copy of [i]Res Publica[/i] aside, marking his place with a silk ribbon, and stood. “Enter.” Talib entered the study and knelt. “Speak.” “My Lord, Cyrodiil has broken out into chaos. The Res Publica have made their move, and now control much of Cyrodiil. And are now appear to be moving for the Imperial City.” Talib paused while his King broke out into laughter. “The incident seems to have been incited by the Stormcloaks taking the Pale Pass.” “Interesting news, Talib. Very Interesting.” Now the Empire could only supply or recall their legion via the Arecean Sea, taking them right past Hammerfell. “Have they managed to secure a supply line?” “No, my Lord.” Azzhlan sighed, “Send word to the pirates in Stros M’Kai, there is now a reward for the destruction or capture of Imperial ships sailing to or from Skyrim, with the greater reward for the latter, and proof required for the former. Extra rewards are available for ships containing information regarding Imperial troop movements, Imperial flags, as well as persons of importance in the Imperial Government or Military. All other cargo will be open for those who captured it to keep, but any prisoners and the ships themselves will be forfeit.” Azzhlan paused while Talib wrote down his commands. “Furthermore, the Stormcloaks are to be notified of any troop movements we capture.” Once Talib finished writing, he raised his head to speak, “Are we not mobilizing, my Lord?” “I know that the soldiers hunger to battle with the Empire, but we must be patient,” Azzhlan said, “This war is a matter of pride for the Nords, and the morale boost that will come from taking Skyrim on their own is unimaginable. Were the Res Publica not in the middle of their uprising, I would order a full troop mobilization, but as it stands, the Stormcloaks can handle the fighting themselves.” Talib stood, “By your leave, my Lord.” With a nod from Azzhlan, Talib left. Azzhlan sat again, and eturned to reading [i]Res Publica[/i]