[img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lp96rrhXyR1qlu7qbo1_1280.jpg[/img] -Atari's center- In the middle of a really dangerous forest exists a village called Atari, this village was created 300 years ago and has survived thanks to an special flower called Gaska, it's pollen scares almost any kind of monster away, the villagers knew this and planted Gaska plans all around Atari. [img]http://castlesandcooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/Typical-Tavern.jpg[/img] -hunters guild- The Gaska's pollen is not enough, it is not possible to cultivate inside the village, there is simply no space, much less for raising cattle, so a group of warriors decided to create the "Hunters guild". This guild dedicates to hunt dangerous beasts, bring food to the village and collect items that can't be found inside the village (strange herbs, blah blah blah). There is a quest board inside the guild, villagers post their requests on it and you are free to choose which one to take. ________________________Character sheet____________________________________ Appearance (anime, 3d or description) Name: Age: Weapon: Items: More info?: ______________________________________RULES____________________________________________ -NO GUNPOWDER NOR MAGIC -MY WORLD IS LAW, IF YOU GOT PROBLEMS WITH CAN DISCUSS ABOUT IT -[s]i'M SEXY AND i KNOW IT[/s] WRITE "HUNTER GUILD!"AT THE END OF YOUR CS