Penelope eyed her comrade. William was a good knight but she disagreed with his decision to make Abraxas the one to keep an eye on Crow. The younger knight had yet to completely prove himself and Penelope didn't feel like taking such chances with this mission. The thief should not be given the opportunity to steal or escape. "Abraxas, switch positions with me." she said casually, knowing that he wouldn't argue with her. With a simple nod of the head, the younger knight backed away from the wagon and moved towards the horse besides William. William shot her a look, as if to not degrade his authority but did not testify to the change so Penelope easily went about her business. Penelope climbed into the wagon swiftly. With everyone set and read, William took the lead. "Let's move out." he announced, as he rode in front of the wagon. The wagon was then tugged forward and set off at a rather slow pace until the wheels began to move with more ease. Penelope glanced over at Crow with a sharp gaze before looking out at the road ahead. However, she always kept him in the corner of her gaze, cautious of any movements he made. The great gates that protected the castle rattled and raised as they left. Once outside one could see clear distinctions in the surrounding area. The town in the distance seemed much less vibrant than the castle and everything behind those great walls that protected it. "It's been a while since I've left the castle walls." Penelope mumbled to no one in particular. She earned a small nod from an otherwise uninterested William and Abraxas didn't seem to hear her. Perhaps he was spacing off?