[h1][center]*~*[color=OliveDrab]Dominic Greyjoy[/color] & [color=MediumTurquoise]Eliza Brie[/color] ~ Present Day ~ Lake Tahoe, Earth*~*[/center][/h1] Lifting her hand up, Eliza brushed some of her long blonde locks back off her face closing the door quietly behind her as she left the room her eyes flicking down to her mobile as she slid her thumb over the screen unlocking it before shooting a message over to the man she looked up to as an uncle, now that she had sorted through things with Alan and talked him into taking her to the party she had time to move on with the things she had to get done along with the things she had to add to the list, now including getting Alan a suit as he slept the day away. Shoving the thoughts to the side she looked back down at the screen of her mobile her thumbs gliding over the screen as she shot a text message off to Dominic, 12:40 pm [i]"Hey uncle Dom! I'm free now if you still want to catch up, I have to do some shopping but if you still want to catch lunch together that would be great, I'm starving."[/i] Admiring the view of the trees and the grass from his spot at the park, Dominic would look out at the serene environment about him before looking down at a poetry book he was currently intent on reading. Feeling a dull [i]buzzing[/i] sensation within his coat pocket, Dominic fished through the somewhat scuffled jacket before procuring his cell phone, needing only to glance at the message once before nodding approvingly, a flash of a smile on his mustachioed features as he hashed out a reply. 12:42 pm [i]"Sounds like a plan. Meet up at the diner just off of 1st Street. I'm sure you've had enough of the lodge restaurants."[/i] That being said, Dominic closed his book, tucking it under his arm as he rose from his place on the park bench, whistling a small tune to himself as he made the relatively short walk to the diner in question. Moving back out of the lodge and over to where she had parked her car she hit the button unlocked it before she slipped into the drivers seat the sound of her mobile going off alerting her to the fact that she had a new message, her lips turning up into a bright smile before she slid her phone into the cup-holder pulling out of the park and heading off down the road as she headed towards where they were supposed to be waiting. After a few minutes of silent driving she pulled into an empty spot shifting the gear into park shutting the car down and gathering up her belongings before she got out locking it as she made her way up the curb and into the cafe that she was supposed to be meeting him at, stopping just inside she glanced around her eyes searching for where he was her hands coming together in front of her so that she could play with the front of her top, "Uncle Dom... Where are you..." "It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see..." Dominic said from behind, wearing a wide smile on his face before continuing, "Henry David Thoreau, one of the most respectable poets I've ever learned about." He added in an almost wistful manner. "So! Shall we go find ourselves a table? I've not had breakfast today, so I'm quite peckish." He began again, clasping his hands together. Her lips turned up into a bright smile as she heard the sound of a familiar voice coming from behind she rolled her eyes slightly her head lolling as she jutted her hip to the side her hand coming down to rest softly against it, "Glance into the world just as though time were gone; and everything crooked will become straight to you." Turning around to face him completely she slid her arms around his body holding him tightly against hers as she gave him the third hug of the day, "Friedrich Nietzsche, though I'm sure with your knowledge of the world you already knew that." Pulling herself back from him she nodded quite enthusiastically her stomach growling slightly as though it was trying to add emphasis to the fact that she was hungry, "Please, I'm starving... I haven't eaten all day." Chuckling at her own retort of a quote, Dominic placed a single hand on her back, leading her to a far booth just by a large window looking out over the sidewalk. When finally sitting down, Dominic cleared his throat before speaking, "It seems that every time I come here I am astounded by the beauty that surrounds. It brings a certain sense of calm." He finished, looking out the window with an admiring gaze. As he spoke, though, he could note how similar his own words were to that of the Sorcerer's mere hours ago as the hooded man looked out at the ocean, finding his own peace from the waves. Sliding her hands over the back of her skirt she held it against her legs as she slid down into the booth before she put her things down on the table beside her a smile playing on her lips at his words, "The snow covered mountains overlooking Tahoe are absolutely beautiful, you're right, it brings peace and serenity to people who take the time out of life to appreciate the scenery." Crossing her legs under the table she picked up the menu letting her eyes flick back and forth over what was offered at the restaurant before she glanced back up at him, "So I know that you're here for a couple of days, and it's great, but it sucks knowing that you need to leave after getting here so soon." Letting out a small sigh, Dominic looked to Eliza with a small smile, though there was a sadness in his eyes. "Yes...I know. Unfortunately my work at the museum ties me down. Otherwise I'd be spending much more time here with you and your family." He explained, clasping his hands together on the table as he spoke. "But we must all live each day in the moment. Enjoy the time we have, then anticipate the next time. No point focusing on the 'could-have'." Dominic advised with a more lighthearted smirk as he in turn glanced at his own menu. "Now, what catches your eye here? Anything you want, my treat." He told her whilst not lifting his eyes, though there was that amicable warmth to his tone that accomplished what an expression most likely couldn't. "Maybe I can talk dad into letting me take some time off to come visit you; I've always wanted to go see the museum you work at. Hey, maybe during the summer when it's not so busy at the Lodge." Smiling brightly at the thought of getting away from work for even a few days she turned her light ice-blue eyes back down to her menu letting them linger on the item that had caught her interest, her free hand slipping from the table to press against her stomach trying to muffle the sound of it as it growled at her again as though trying to remind her that it was actually there at all. "I think I might go the chicken caesar salad, I know that they have pretty big portions here so it should be filling enough." Closing the menu up she placed it down on the table her hand slipping from the top to come together with her other hand on her lap, "Uncle Dom... Will you help me pick out a suit..? I need to get one for tonight, and I have no idea what to look for other then what I think looks good and what colors are going to match my dress..." "A suit, eh?" Dominic repeated, finally lifting his gray eyes from the menu. "Well, I have [i]never[/i] been one to decline assisting one when it comes to formal-wear. I've got nothing planned for today," at this, Dominic looked at the three watches strapped to his wrist, "so we can definitely do that." He finished with a wide smile. But behind his outward reaction was a certain sense of dread...if what the Sorcerer said was true and the time was coming closer for the Children to return...would Eliza hate him? Dominic shuddered at the thought before pushing it to the back of his mind, ignoring it for the time being. "That would be great, thank you uncle Dom. I really wouldn't know where to begin, I've never shopped for a guy before. I mean, unless you count Christmas presents for you and dad... But I don't think that's the same thing..." Lifting her hand up she awkwardly rubbed the back of her head ruffling her long blonde locks slightly as her cheeks turning a slight shade of red, she knew that there was a big difference between choosing out a tie or a shirt for her father and uncle compared to buying Alan a full blown suit to wear to the party tonight. Lowering her hand back down she turned her gaze back to him her fingers playing with the hem of her skirt as she thought through what she had in mind for herself hoping to give him some ideas that they could work with, "I know I want to wear blue... If that helps at all, it's my favorite color and it happens to be the only one that suits me the most." "Don't mention it, it's my pleasure." Dominic reassured warmly before paying close attention as she continued to speak. "Blue, eh? A lovely color, indeed. What shade were you looking at? A navy blue suit always comes across as powerful and formal, but I am loathe to think it would have quite the same effect in much of a lighter shade." He explained, his tone becoming somewhat more serious, as though he was discussing serious business with a coworker or client. "Well, I've had my eye on this dress for a while now; it's light blue with a few blue and silver beads or sparkles or whatever it is you call them... Oh, and it's long as well." Pulling her legs up she folded them on the cushion underneath her making sure to get comfortable as she brought her arms up leaning them on the table, "So, I don't think that navy blue is going to match it, but I don't want him walking around in a powder blue prom tux either... That's just embarrassing..." "Yes, I quite agree." Dominic replied with a brisk nod of his head, though was rather smoothly interrupted by the appearance of a waitress come to take their order. After all was said and done, Dominic took a small sip of his iced tea before continuing on with his thought. "I've [i]never[/i] seen powder blue work well as a tuxedo and, frankly, I do not wish to test that theory moreso. Now...you say you're going with a light blue...matching beads. The image I'm formulating in my mind has a sort-of...wintery feel to it. In which case, perhaps a white tuxedo might be best. You be the ice, he'll be the snow." Dominic suggested with a large smile, clearly hopeful in his idea. "White..? He's very noticeable in a crowd as it is, trust me, I think white might be over the top for even him. Last year there was a guy who wore suit that was like grey and a creamy sort of color, I don't know the actual name of the color, but it looked really good." Reaching out she picked up her glass of coke lifting it to her lips so that she could take a sip before replacing it down on the table top, "Maybe something like that? I mean, even if the actual suit doesn't seem to match, that's what the shirt is for... Right..?" "Hm....yes, yes, that sounds better." Dominic replied with another short nod of his head. "Many people wear a different color sports coat and trousers, it can work quite well. Then again, there are many other men who prefer solid, matching colors. In the end that's up to your mysterious suitor." Dominic added with a short chuckle to himself. Hearing his words she couldn't help the soft chuckle that slipped through her lips as they turned up in a small smile her eyes shutting as she shook her head softly from side to side as though she couldn't believe what he was saying, "Suitor? Uncle Dom, what do you think I am? A princess? I know I'm adopted, but still." Opening her eyes again she lifted her gaze to once more catch his as she began to play with the silverware out of habit while waiting for their meals to arrive, "This isn't a fairy tale... Wish it was, cause then I'd have people to dress me and I wouldn't have to worry about things like this... But things like that don't exist, they don't happen to people like me." "Oh, you'd be surprised." Dominic replied amusedly, expertly hiding the bitterness that threatened to spill over. "Sometimes the biggest, most exciting things happen to those who view themselves insignificant. You may not be a princess in this world, in this life. But never think yourself any smaller." Dominic finished in a more serious tone, looking his 'niece' in the eyes as he spoke. Folding her arms she lifted them up allowing them to rest upon the table top as she herself leant forward her eyebrow raising and her head tilting slightly as she thought about his words for a few moments her eyes fixated on his own as her lips continued to hold the amused smile, "Okay... So say hypothetically, I was a princess, not in this word - like you stated... Why would I be in this world? And how would I have gotten here in the first place?" "I beg your pardon, Eliza. I find myself speaking more and more like a poet each day. Force of habit, I suppose. My words were merely figurative. Though, I do think you'd fit the title of Princess quite well." Dominic finished with a short laugh, though his heart was racing. How close had he come? No, no...it wasn't time. The Sorcerer would tell him when. Sitting up a little traighter she reached out once more picking up her glass so that she could take another sip of her drink her eyes tearing away from his and up to the waitress as she placed their food down in front of them, nodding her head in thanks she waited until she had left the table side before she let her gaze turn back to him gently shaking her glass causing the ice to clink back and forth against the sides as she tried to force it to cool down more than it already was, "Yeah, because the last thing the world needs is a princess who would rather spend all day carving up the mountains than doing her actual duties to make sure the world was a better place for her people... Even if I was a princess, I wouldn't know the first thing about ruling, I have a hard enough time as it is looking after and managing all the classes that I teach..." "Well, guess that's why a lot of that stuff stays in fairy tales, eh?" Dominic asked with a smile before turning his attention towards the Philly cheesesteak sandwhich in front of him. "My words still stand, though. You're far more intelligent than you give yourself credit for." Dominic assured her kindly, complete sincerity to his tone. He couldn't help but think...what would happen when the truth was revealed and she would take over Arendelle? Surely she couldn't run an entire nation just after finding out who and [i]what[/i] she was... "Indeed, we all know that fairy tales will never come true. I'm sure we've all seen enough Disney movies to fantisize about true love and happy ever afters, though we all know that such things don't exist." Putting her glass back down she instead picked up her fork shifting in her seat as she began poking at her food having a quick look at what was in it before she began to gather some of the salad up with the chicken. "..Uncle, did I make the wrong choice..?" Her smile faltered slightly before disappearing completely from her face as she thought back over the conversation she had held with the detective that very morning in the station, "You know... By choosing snowboarding over getting my degree in law... I just-... A lot of things lately is making me second guess my choices, and I just... I just need to know I made the right one the first time around..." Letting out a small sigh, Dominic looked at Eliza carefully for a few moments, as if trying to devise an answer. "It was Ralph Waldo Emerson who once said: [i]All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make, the better.[/i] Life isn't about good or bad choices. It's about doing what you feel is best and making the most of it. There will be moments of admiration, moments of regret; moments of accomplishment and even moments of failure. You just keep moving forward. The question isn't whether I think you've made a good or bad choice, it's about how [i]you[/i] feel." He finished, pointing at her for emphasis. "It was a great opportunity, I felt as though I couldn't pass it up at the time, being able to compete in these competitions the way that I do... Being able to work towards one of the biggest competitions of my life... It's not something that gets offered to just anyone, you have to be good, really good... The fact I even fit that bill, it still feels like a dream..." Her lips once again turned up in a small smile as she lifted her fork up slipping the food she had collected up into her mouth and allowing herself time to properly chew before swallowing so that she could once again speak. "Don't get me wrong, I still really enjoy law, I still have all my course books and case studies up in my desk back home. I just really love what I do, when I'm boarding... When it's just me and the snow covered mountains, I feel free. Like I can be myself completely, and no one can judge me or hold me down... It just feels so right..." Chuckling softly she began to gather up some more food onto her fork as she shook her head as though trying to dissmiss her own words, "Silly I know, but I don't know how else to describe it..." "Oh, I know exactly what you mean." Dominic assured before continuing, "You see...when I was just around your age, my family urged me to follow the family business and be a lawyer, or a mediator. Something 'respectable' as they put it. But I was a free spirit, I enjoyed wandering, exploring and discovering. I brought this issue to my parents, who promptly cut off monetary support for me. Leaving me effectively homeless and penniless. So...I wandered. Times were tough, there were times where money was nonexistent, but I survived, and got a job that I love and cherish. That's what it's all about. Doing what you enjoy, not what people try to force on you." He finished before stopping to take a bite of his own lunch, letting the words sink in. Lowering her gaze away from him she fell silent for a few minutes (save for the sound of the two of them chewing on their food) her eyes lingering upon her plate watching it grow emptier and emptier as she contemplated his words, "Things must have been tough for you... Not having parents who understood or encouraged you to do what it was you really wanted to do in life... I guess I'm really lucky in the sense that I had people who helped me along the path and who supported and continue to support me no matter which road I chose to go down. Dad, Anna, you... I never would have gotten to where I am today if it wasn't for you guys backing me up like you have." Finishing the rest of his meal as she spoke, Dominic dabbed his face with a napkin before wadding it and dropping it onto his now-empty plate, clasping both hands together once again, fingers intertwining with one another. "Well, that's our job. Keep you on the right path and pull you out of any ditches." Dominic replied with a bemused smile. "Now, I'll pay the bill, then let's say you and I go clothes-shopping, eh?" Dominic finished with a slight raise of his brow. Putting her fork down onto the empty place once she had finished eating all her food she picked up her napkin quickly wiping her mouth clean of any dressing before she dropped it onto the top of the pile her eyes sparkling slightly at the thought of going shopping, "Uncle Dom, you really are the best. The store that I saw that dress in is down the road, we could walk there and once we've gotten everything we need I can give you a lift up to the lodge. That way you don't have to come up later, and you can see dad if you want to; he should be done with his meetings soon anyway." "That sounds like a plan! Now, there's no time to waste then if we wish to be in time for the festival tonight, eh?" Dominic replied before rather gracefully moving from the table to the checkout counter before returning no more than a minute later. "Alright, that's all said and done. Are you ready to go?" Dominic asked, planting both hands in his coat pockets. Gathering up her things as he moved away to pay for their meal she once more lowered her feet to the ground scooching over until she was able to stand up from the booth her back arching slightly causing soft cracks and pops to sound as her back cracked from the lack of moment moments earlier, lifting her hand up she slid her fingers into her hair pushing it back off her face as she gave him a warm smile watching him get closer to where she stood waiting for him, "Yeah, I've still got so much to do before I open up the festival tonight, if I can get all this shopping done now and not forget anything, it would be great." Chuckling softly she reached out her free hand gripping hold of his as she began walking half leading and half pulling him along behind her as she headed towards the door of the restaurant, turning to the side slightly she used her hip to push and hold it open waiting patiently for him to move past her before she moved out of the way not bothering to wait for it to close before she was off again a slight spring in her step as she moved down the street towards the first store, "A dress, a suit, some shoes... How hard could this be..." Shaking her head softly she turned her head back glancing over her shoulder at Dominic, "Better get ready Uncle Dom... You've never been shopping with me before."