[b]Heiwa no tochi, Space[/b] Aurora watched the Collective's forces. She liked their method, remaining faceless was always valuable. The Collective fleet was only a 100 to the Roman's 200, but the scans of their ships showed that that was more then enough none the less. She pressed the button on the transmission counciled and opened a line to the Collective's ship. "I am indeed Princess Aurora vi Italia. Originally my plan was merely to take the outer colonies and from there put pressure onto them to sign a peace treaty, but with your forces we can take a much more crippling offensive to the Abh.Do note though...you will need quite a few troops. Even the quote unquote Abh civilians have weapons, so we will be facing heavy resistance the whole way. The planet we will conquer, Kibō-hosh, was planned to be incorporated as Roman territory. This is the one we shall attack, and while we take it I promise that the next world will be given to you. If there is nothing else I can detail you the exact plan for Kibō-hosh aboard my personnel command ship, we shall bring a swift end to this war my new friends." After that a dreadnought came out of the center of the fleet, and unlike the other two it had much more gold trimming and held the flag of the New Roman Empire. A docking bay opened up underneath it, indicating where the Collective was to dock. ((If a 100 is not the number of Collective ships then I understand, just adjust as you need to Dark.)) [b]New Rome, the Golden System[/b] Several Roman ships went nearer to the Collective ships, but after that they backed off. A Dreadnought was instead seen pulling forward. "Welcome, your assistance is greatly appreciated. Not to far as you can see as a massive line of Abh and Roman ships, it has become no man's land of sorts. Neither us is willing to engage due to fears of losing our capital worlds, but however just in-case we needed your ships to reinforce our line. Join the formation in any order as you please." Much as the voice had said there was a huge line of Roman and Abh ships within the system, however neither had fired. It sorta of acted as a border between the Abh and Romans. [b]Collective Space[/b] "This battle group shall withdraw to the Aetherii planet to assist in defense of it. We will see you there." With that the Roman fleet disappeared off into the void. ((Please open up the Aetherii world Dark.))