[b]Name[/b]: Adelyn Simmons [b]Age[/b]: 26 [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Personality/Interests[/b]: Adelyn is impulsive and spontaneous. Her actions can range from setting a person on fire because they looked at her the wrong way, to helping that person heal. Her personality is "double-sided", for lack of a better term. Generally, it tends to linger on the generous and caring side, though different actions can trigger her psychotic side. Adelyn is normally calm and composed, keeping to herself most of the time. She doesn't speak much and would rather be left alone than in with a group of people. She is very compassionate towards animals more than people, though people don't bother her too much. She's more afraid of them than anything, but doesn't mind trying to communicate with them, which is sometimes a problem due to her speech impediment. Her aggressive and impulsive acts derive mostly from anger, but sometimes happen randomly. When she becomes regularly social with one person, she tends to become attached to them and will often times cry if they leave. Though she seems weak and dependent, Adelyn does a very good job of taking care of herself, as she usually needs to because her brother is always out. [b]Appearance:[/b] [i]General[/i]: Not a blemish in sight. Eerily pale, but darkens easily in sunlight. [i]Build[/i]: Tall and abnormally lanky. [i]Hair/Hair color[/i]: Pixie-cut. Naturally blond, turned bright red [i]Skin color[/i]: White [i]Eye color[/i]: Yellow-ish brown [i]Height/Weight[/i]: 6'1", 138lbs [i]Other/Notable Features[/i]: Skin disease (Granuloma Annulare) covers 90% of the right side of her body and 10% of the left side. [b]Equipment:[/b] [i]Weapons[/i]: None [i]Supplies[/i]: A backpack and shovel. Six-pack of water, two cans of uncooked Spam (one can half empty) [b]Talents/Abilities[/b]: Extremely flexible; can run a mile in 6.2 minutes; can lift up to 150lbs