Name: Steve the Bandit Age: Unknown, possibly early-to-mid 30's Gender: Male Appearance: [url=]Masked bandit[/url] Canon, AU, or OC?: Canon Universe of Origin: Borderlands Personality: Cultured, professional, yet prone to violence. Has a British accent. Dislikes unprofessional situations, being a former businessman. Likes classical literature, music, and explosions Abilities/Weapons: Will always come back after he's killed (side effect of the New-U Station) Inexplicably leaves behind low-to-mid rare equipment in outhouses [url=]The Dove[/url] [url=]Madjack[/url] [url='s_Shotgun_(Borderlands_2)]Sledge's Shotgun[/url] [url=]Norfleet[/url] [url=]The Bee[/url] Backstory: Former Dahl employee forced to turn to banditry, Steve learned a new set of skills for his survival, mostly gunwork. He has also had a decent amount of success in his non-bandit life, being the ex-husband of arena owner Mad Moxxi. There was one point where he became a zombie, but he's fine now. A bit of an oddity, since he's still kept most of his sanity compared to much of the other bandits, especially the psychos. He spends most of his time looking for the next safe thing to do. Faction: Factionless