Name: Atalex Nightbreeze "Ata" Race: Night Elf Race is from warcraft, so not a drow. Just a really big, blue, yellow-eyed hippy. Age: About 600. Gender: M Appearance: "Ata" is a tall, muscly beast of a humanoid, with thick and long, wild dark blue hair, fangs, glowing eyes, and ridiculously long ears. His skin is the color of moonlight, a pale, shimmery gray or silver. Seeing him for the first time is a bit like accidentally walking into a bear. He's usually shirtless, with some pointless shackle still hanging off his left wrist with the chain broken. His scars are actually very faded. [img][/img] Personality: Ata doesn't talk much, and few know he can. Despite his physical capability, he is unexpectedly tame. As a slave, he pretty much does what he is told, except if it involves hurting others. The lumbering oaf is a big pansy pacifist. He enjoys peace and nature, and doesn't show any huge attachment to going back home. Background: Atalex is a fury warrior, also known as a berserker. He was a warrior for his people and has been on many, many adventures, one of which landed him here as a slave. Abilities: Atalex is basically just strong as hell. He is probably an amazing fighter, but we don't want to find out. He has some weird elfy kinship with animals.