January, 31, 2015. Four years since the death of all known Persona users. Humanity lacked a protector from the enigmatic monsters, Shadows. Which almost caused the end of the world, three times, these youth sacrifice their lives so people can live. Most don't even know of this great price paid in blood. Except a select few. And they can't stand around to let the youths sacrifice be for vain if the next major shadow attack succeed. But Persona users can't be made. Can they? They can. Not human Persona users. But close enough to fight back the shadows with an artificial ego, human enough to create a Persona the only power that can fight shadows. For the past four years, the Kirijo group has restarted the Anti-Shadow Suppression Weapon Project. This time humanly. These Android will be treated as humans and not only as weapons. They are the first and last defense that humanity has left. Will they be enough? We have to wait and see. [hr] So there's my premise for this RP. I hope it's interesting! So as you can guess the main cast will be ASSW's much like Aigis and Labrys are. Fighting shadows is the main reasons they were created but that not all they will do. They can live their lives as a human on their off time. They have the same rights as any humans. They go to school if they wish, or get a job if they wish, but at all times they must be ready to fight shadows on a moments notice. Compared to Aigis and Labrys these ASSW are much easier to integrate into society since the technology has advanced since they were created and can be more human like. You can create an ASSW that was just 'born' or one that has been kicking around for three years. And they don't have to go through the in-between stage being human-like or Android-like they can have a set personality at the start if you wish. But character growth is always recommended! I hope people are interested! I would like to have about 6 - 10 people join this! [hr] [u][b]Character Sheet:[/b][/u] ASSW's NAME: (Either an Acronym of the Project for this ASSW or a human name it picked or given.) GENDER: (Either what gender it looks like or identify with.) ARCANA: (FOOL to JUDGEMENT) AGE: (Max age: 3 years old / Min Age: The day of the RP) ASSW's CIVILIAN MODE: (How it chooses to look outside of combat, either with a picture or a disruption or both.) ASSW's COMBAT MODE: (how it looks in Combat) PERSONALITY: (Can be complex if 'Born' with a personality or has been around for awhile. Simple at the start if it was 'born' without a personality and explain how it will most likely grow into.) WEAPON TYPE: (Anything in real life is fair game, you can use more 'out there' weapons if I approved of it. You can use Aigis and Labrys can be used as example of what kind of weapons I be okay with.) PERSONA PROGRAM: (The ASSW's Persona, can be anything if it in a small way fits with the ASSW.) PERSONA APPLICATIONS: (Persona skills, Three should be good for the start) ASSW UNIT ABILITY: (Something your ASSW can do that none of the others can't. Think either super attacks or a super mode or anything that would make your ASSW unique and useful to have in and out combat.)