Step by step, the massive beast creeped through the woods, winding its way among the trees with ease. It was a peaceful night, a full moon in fact. A night in which she was at her strongest. Because of this fact, she figured no one would dare wander into these woods. Course, no one really lived to tell the tale of the beast that lived in the woods. Of course, she kept it that way, for she did not want to be bothered by petty humans. They only wanted to fight and mount her as a prize! Humans were selfish, taking more land and slaughtering those who are different. This was a reason why she didn't usually hesitate in returning the favor. Even if the wolf showed kindness, they would only skin her in return. So what other choice was there but to seclude herself and kill humans who wander in her home? It was to her surprise, that a unfamiliar scent drifted against her sensitive nose. A smell of sweet flowers and fine silks. It also stunk of human.. A soft growl rumbled in her throat, her ears lowering in aggression. A human out in this hour? Were they crazy? Well... They would regret making such a foolish decision. Perhaps she would play with them before killing them? Run them down until they are exhausted. Chase them deeper into the forest and watch as they get lost? Mhmm yes that sounded like a plan. After all, she had all the time in the world. Quickly picking up the pace, the wolf snuck toward her target who did not even bother to attempt to hide themself. They smelled and made plenty of noise. Moving among the shadows, she kept herself hidden until she found tonight's prey. Again, to her surprise it was a young human girl. With red hair and emerald eyes. Pretty tall, yet young... Usually it's knights who braved the woods or men who wants the coin for her head. A woman was a bit foreign, and she couldn't help but be a little curious. Wincing a little as her bloody heart twisted, Zari felt the familiar pang of loneliness. A feeling of yearning for a companion. Why now? With this human girl? Pfft how ridiculous. But... It was a full moon... No that was a bit cruel. That was selfish and the werewolf would be no better than a human. Still, it's not like it would kill her. Snorting to shake the thoughts away, her blue eyes narrowed as she crouched as her gaze fixated upon the strange woman. With a fearsome snarl, she lept behind the woman, her massive body blocking the path that led back to the city. If there was one thing, she couldn't exactly allow this girl to escape. One way or another... Black fur bristling, teeth bared, her massive paws padded closer. Blue eyes watching the humans every move, waiting for a reaction. Would she run? Or fight? Or simply collapse?