A small sigh of relief rushed out her mouth when he had recognized her and lowered the gun. "Yep, I was with them, but I'm not exactly too sure what happened with the truck. But since it's nowhere in sight, I guess it did blow up" Naomi grimaced, pushing a broken piece of wood out of the way, "It would be optimistic to think they escaped, but that's a little far-fetched even for me." The truck had certainly been there before the splitting pain and ringing in her head, but what seemed like a second later, she remembered standing up and it simply not being there anymore. Well, maybe she shouldn't be surprised, it was probably one of the main targets anyhow. Speaking of the mission, she had probably seen him with the first team some time before, but everything was in such a rush, she didn't get a good glance of the people besides in her own team. Naomi stepped over a fallen beam to move closer to him, making sure not to catch her make-shift bandage on anything. "Naomi Lyons." she greeted with a nod when she was close enough. "Not as far as I can see," she looked around them with a slight grimace, "This place has been bombed flat. It's a miracle we're alive, and not shredded to pieces at that." It was a desolate place now, once a small part of town, not too crowded, but not the middle of nowhere either. A nice place really, well, before it happened to get destroyed so suddenly. A pity too, she was looking forward to maybe getting a drink or something. "Water? Oh, right, yeah I think I still have some left." Naomi snapped out of her thoughts, patting her hip pouches for the water pouch she had used earlier. "Here, you can have the rest of it," she handed the pouch to him, "But I think you should really save some for that wound of yours too." She spared a glance at the side he had been clutching and bit her lip. Shit. She wasn't a medic, oh God what if he died on her!? She began to panic slightly, but forced herself to clam down running both hands through her hair with a deep breath. "Is that from a bullet? We'll probably have to treat that quickly. I probably have some bandages for that."