Lyra gave a small wave good-bye before leaving a short while after him. After all, she needed her sleep too. Tomorrow would really be a big day if they would carry through, and he didn't just rat her out for trying to aid a "Spy". She quickly walked back to her place, kicking back on the bed with a loud sigh. "Yeah, I should probably sleep now, if i want to get up." she told herself aloud, rolling over in the covers and willing herself to sleep. Morning came too soon for her liking. Just a few hours sleep, but she would make do. A quick cup of coffee, and she was fine, really. Okay, that was a slight lie, but give her maybe an hour or so, and she would be awake enough. Everything packed, and ready to go, Lyra headed out, saying a quick mental good-bye to the place she probably wouldn't see for some time. It had served her well. She quickly ran to the tavern, already a few minutes late. Shit. She hoped he wasn't that picky about being exactly on time. As soon as she pushed open the doors, Lyra could tell the tensions were running high. For what, she had no idea, but it certainly wasn't good. "Oi, Orlick, calm down," she interrupted, pushing the bigger Angel away, "He ain't worth your time. You can't run all the Demons out of town anyway." She hoped that Greg had picked up on the act, otherwise she would have really seemed like a bitch. "Sit down and have a drink. This is neutral ground anyway, it's not your place to patrol."