[center][h1]Principle’s Little Pet[/h1] [h3][b]Location:[/b] Master Melody’s Academy, Loom. [b]Time of Day:[/b] Morning[/h3] [b]Contributors:[/b] [@Synthorian] and [@Fallenreaper][/center] Lily sat there working. Every so often, her eyes flickered from the document propped up in the stand beside the desktop computer to the door of her office. The meeting had been completed an hour ago though she had completely bypassed Rex on the way out, her time pressed as it was and to be late wasn’t suitable for her position, sadly skipping out on their scheduled social time. A matter she wasn’t pleased with. He naturally understood though it didn’t stop her heart from sinking into her feet for most the meeting as it was weighed down by guilt. When she returned, Rex was already gone. Likely he had decided to distract himself and would come back soon enough. Hoping to be ready for his arrival, Lily had cleared the arrangement of teas, cakes and other sweet treats after Ms. Matthews had left, with her guardian in tow. If there hadn’t been a meeting, Lily would’ve considered personally ensuring Darius’ young daughter had been situated and seen she was taken care of. Though unfortunately, as a principle, she couldn’t dare to show favoritism to one temporarily student over the numerous musicians at the Academy. It was bad form and not one she would indulge in, considering the Essence still required keeping to ensure the school was left untarnish. Now there was just the sound of her nails typing in a rhythm much like her music on the ill suited keyboard. Her lips gave a wistful sigh while her eyes were drawn to her violin, its strings and notes playing in her head, though her office was drowned in utter silence. Part of her missed the simpler days, idly musing over lost times. Even Maroon crept into her thoughts, still a charming teenager with the cocky smirk and flaming red hair, before her mind shattered the image abruptly thanks to the red threads cutting into her throat. For a moment, she paused. Her body pushed back from her desk and elegant fingers reached to rub her throat, worried she would’ve felt the raw, torn flesh underneath. Lily wasn’t sure which hurt more. The threads or the fact Maroon’s choice cared more for strangers then herself, willing to end her life for the upper hand. A hand that didn’t exist causing her to stare at the unfinished document, her expression sober and blank. A knock at the door broke the aching silence. Lily felt her mind jerk from the memories filling her attention when the hard knock reached her ears, her eyes snapped upright. She knew where it came from and little surprise, she knew who was behind it as she had been woken up to that heavy, raspy breathing many times. “Come in, Rex.” The door opened slowly to reveal the Wolfman behind it. His huge mass being larger than the door itself. Years of practice have made passing such small passages much easier. He dexterously entered into Lily’s office, and shut the door behind him. “Busy day, hmm?” Despite his menacing form, his voice had a comforting sweetness to it. But then again, his relaxed, laid back nature made him come off as more charming than menacing. He approached the Principal's desk, his powerful hind legs thumping against the wooden floor boards. Since all of the furniture wasn’t suited for his weight, he sat on the floor instead, waiting patiently for Lily’s reply, with a cheesy, childish animal grin on his muzzle. Lily regretted never approaching a chair maker to create a custom seat for her spouse, her guilt surfacing on her face briefly before it faded. Her eyes studied Rex’s wolfish smirk and let the sensation of love, comfort and more fill her for the moment. It was a relief to see him not angry with her though it was rather rare in most cases, a trait she cherished, as she placed the computer on sleep mode. Her hand reached to flip over the protective plastic sheet onto the document, preventing any wandering eyes from reading them, a matter which had occurred in the past, then pushed up out of her seat. Lily walked about the desk in her graceful, casual walk before she stood just in front of her love. “Yes, sadly, though it’s a blessing to see you Rex,” she reached over to gently brush a tender kiss on his wet nose, “Personally I wish I was at home with my feet propped up and enjoying your company.” Rex would know the subtle hint to what type of company she was referring to, her figure pulled back to her original position. “How was your day?” He knew exactly what his love was referring to, and the thought made his grin wider. His day was quite something. Lounging around at home all day was what happened these days. Either that, or mercenary work. And he was not interested in the latter anymore, he left that life behind him. “A little boring without your company, love.” He replied, his sheepish grin remained glued to his muzzle. She gave Rex a small, sad look while she related to the fact she rather be home with him. The matter that she wasn’t was due to lack of trust with the Essence and in the end, she feared leaving the school and risked coming back to it in ruins. Lily sighed the thought off into the back of her mind before she focused on her visit instead. “I only hope this day becomes better, which reminds me. I need to notify Linda to expect a call from Darius, he’ll likely want to talk to Ms. Matthews and see if she is alright. Also finish sending out memos to the various teachers about Ms. Matthews’ arrangements and her privilege to sit on classes without notice.” Still thinking about it, she shifted to grab a sticky pad then began to scribble her notes down. Rex looked down at his large paws, or hands, since he had fingers. They were big and clumsy, and asking Lily if she wanted help would be a bad idea, as he would end up making things worse with these things. But then, he felt guilty for not asking. He lowered his hands and asked. “Can I help you in anyway?” Lily’s writing stopped abruptly. Her dark head lifted and turned to Rex, her eyes studying him a moment with a soft smile on her lips. It wasn’t hard to see what had crossed her mind but in a place of business, that was the last thing she could indulge in. “No Rex, but I do ask one thing: try not to turn my guests into cherries too often, dear. I believe Ms. Matthews has a permanent blush after your playfulness.” Lily gently teased her husband, her ears had caught the earlier conversation after she departed. “Heh…” The wolf breathed out. “I’m sure when she finds a boy that she likes, he will make her redder than I have.” “That’s not funny, Rex.” Lily stated, though her tone was softer than scolding. Her eyes averted from his, slightly, as she recalled a few times of being in Olivia’s position when they were dating. Being over seven hundred years she thought it was impossible to blush anymore until Rex took the challenge and proved her dead wrong. “Darius certainly raised her well.” Rex visibly frowned a little and said. “Never really trusted that fox, but he did raise a nice girl. I can give him that.” The Kitsune was a sly bastard, and a resourceful one. He never dealt with him personally, but he always got a strange vibe even at the mention of his name. “I hope she likes it here. Not many safe havens like this around these days.” “It’s only temporary, we have no idea if that kidnapping was merely a one time thing or the motive behind it, Rex.” Lily corrected, her body turned to rest her hips on the desk edge and crossed her arms around her chest, “We don’t know if this attempt will occur again and since she hasn’t any magical talents, keeping her longer than necessary is only going to harm her education. We don’t offer the proper academics for normal humans beside the scholar program. To be truthful, I don’t have much faith in her succeeding in that route after seeing her rattled so easily.” Lily stopped when she noted her tone had a slight more edge to it than she intended for it to have. A matter she made obvious with a sigh and shifted from the topic, answering Rex’s dislike toward Darius. “I won’t deny, Darius’ activities and goals are hard to figure out. Even I can’t fully understand why he wanted the Essence and I to work together, save one goal is to benefit his pact holder. It’s in the nature of all his kind. A matter that very well will hurt him the most.” “Hopefully…” Clearly, Rex didn’t have much to say on the subject, so he changed it to something more lighthearted. “I haven’t asked you how your day has been yet.” His cheesy grin returned in full swing. “So… How was your day?” His head tilted and his ears focused on his wife, awaiting her answer. Lily gave him a look that seemed to wonder if he’s been listening at all, mostly as from her statements it would’ve clear how her day went. “I thought it would’ve obvious dear, namely from recent events and such. Then again, keeping the Essence in line isn’t easy. That pushed aside, the day’s been normal so far. I still have tons of paperwork to get typed in and sorted before the week’s end which has started to give me a headache lately, especially when all I want to do is play my violin.” She had a little bit of longing in her thoughts while she glanced at the instrument, likely the only thing able to withstand Rex’s handling, sitting on it’s iron stand and tempting her. Normally she wouldn’t need encouragement but things had been piling up lately, any free time was spent playing catch up. After a moment of thought, and following Lily’s gaze, he looked back at her and spoke his thoughts. “Perhaps it’s time to spend some of the remaining hours for yourself, hmm? You have worked your fingers to the bone. They might as well relax a little and play your violin’s strings.” Rex suggested as he stood up and approached the musical instrument, gently grasping it, and bringing it to her. His hand outstretched, presented her second love to her, the Violin. As she looked at it, it stared back at her, subliminally beckoning her to take it into her hands and caress it. Though she had played before Olivia arrived, a weakness in the moment, she had only done so in order to sooth the child’s troil and not for herself. Now Rex had encouraged her to play for her heart and own pleasure, something she hadn’t done in a long time. Unable to resist she gently took up the violin again then pressed it to her chin while her arm held the other end, her breath steady and still for several moments. Her bow held in the familiar gesture she adored which gave her complete mastery over the movements she would pour into each note pouring from her core. The [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJi2jd5sq3k]sound[/url] began softly and smoothly, sounding like more than one had began its musical flight making her lips curl into a warm smile. The melody echoed through the small room, filling each corner leaving it with a sense of passion she added to the vibrations. The notes repeated in an endless circle driving a warmth to flood those listening right in the heart. Her eyes closed, letting the music sweep her along in its waves rippling in each movement of her bow. Each pass it was clear she was lost in the emotions she stirred within herself and the enjoyment she gave to her single listener, her very love and life. After several minutes, she let the string’s last hum die and set her instrument back on the iron stand. Her eyes glanced back to Rex, smiling at his earlier encouragement. “Thank you love, though I have a question for you. Why did you chose to visit today?” He loved her music, he always has. Earlier today he didn’t even enter the room and simply let her play. That was one of her greatest passions, one that he loved watching. Just the simple joy and pleasure she got from her craft. It warmed his soul in a way this dark, horrifying world could not. He shut himself away from that world just so he could be here, to listen and watch. Perhaps that’s how she got a hold of his old wounded heart. Sirens were known for that. “It’s our anniversary today.” Rex said softly, his heart aching from the chemical reaction that Lily’s music alone had caused in him. Lily blinked a moment, her eyes narrowed on Rex as the words sank in. Her head jerked to the desk calendar on her desk which held today’s date and nearly slapped herself with her own instrument when she realize what he spoke was true. It only took a moment for her heart to drop from her chest, replaced by the hollowness of guilt taking its place. “No… I-I can’t believe it’s that soon already, is it?” Her eyes looked at him, pain and sorrow written in her eyes over the mistake she made. Even demons, despite their age, could make human mistake. A fact many of the older ones have often forgotten over their long life, jading them to the essential truth they all had been something weak in the past. She knew Rex wouldn’t have been mistaken about such an important event as she looked at him with an apologetic look. Rex simply smiled in response. Her forgetting such things wouldn’t make him angry, she couldn’t make him angry anyway. He moved over to her and wrapped his arms around her small frame. At least it was small in comparison to his. “It is that soon…” He said. Taking a glance at the clock, all studies in the Academy were about to end and recess would begin. “That boring paperwork can wait for another day. I doubt you’d want to spend your anniversary filling out spreadsheets…” Lily shook her head, “Rex, I can’t. There’s the new musicians who need to be addressed, scheduling a meeting with Hazumi, class reports, death tolls and ensure proper funeral arrangements, and-” Rex placed a leather padded finger on her lips to stop her. “You’ll kill yourself with that much work on your hands, and doing it all alone. You need rest, darling. Please, do it for your own sake, not for me.” She smiled, weakly, and nodded her understanding. It was times like this she wished deeply Rex had stayed at the school, merely so she could see him more often without feeling terrible about leaving the Essence unattended. Seeing her husband’s point, she subsided finally when she couldn't recall the last day she took off in nearly a decade. When Rex removed his finger Lily replied softly in a loving voice, “Sometimes I need reminding, but it helps to alleviate the guilt when it’s not just myself that will enjoy it.” A smile crept on Rex’s muzzle as he leaned his face into hers. Their lips collided, and Lily received a long, heavy kiss that seemed to last for tens of minutes. He kept her close and didn't let go. His kiss soon changed, into one that stole her breath and exchanged it with his. Lily’s body relaxed and melted in Rex’s arms as she returned his affection, holding onto his chest as her nails dug into his fur. This was just a taste of the night awaiting them, and what they would make of it when it came...