[center][hider=Nora's Apartment] [img]http://www.jakewoodruff3d.com/uploads/1/6/1/0/16106534/9089201_orig.jpg[/img] [/hider] [i][color=ed1c24]"Here be knowledge. Let he who hath wisdom reckon the number of the beast, for it is the number of man, and his number be [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTRTdNH7IFc]Six Hundred and Sixty Six[/url]."[/color][/i] -Revelations 13:18[/center] [i]*******Accessing_Database: Security Protocol 44423525634525421*********** &&&&&-creating backdoor-&&&&&&&& *****Accessing_Database: /////// #######_ghosting_private network access portal_########## !!!!! WARNING: ADMINISTRATIVE ACCESS REQUIRED !!!!!!!!!!!! Name: M4NT!$ Passcode: ************** >>>>>>>>Processsing_########### Passcode Accepted. Welcome [color=8dc73f]M4NT!$[/color][/i] Before the incandescent and mysterious bright glow of the litany of regular sized flatscreen monitors that flanked both sides and lit the room in a dim green haze, fingers vigorously typing away upon her keyboard, rather her key to everything in the whole world, sat Nora, her eyes bloodshot and her hair a rather unkempt and tattered mess, not to mention her fingers feeling as though they would dislodge from her hands the moment she quit typing so damn quick. Having already received the mysterious letter from a man clad in black, she skipped any formalities and just went to her apartment, finishing up some last minute essentials, namely packing up her computer and the various other devices she utilized to shatter the security of the city into pieces, quite a fragile security system it was anyways. Even a script-kiddie could disassemble such a simplistic set up. One of her hands continued to type as another reached for the lit cigarette that rested smoldering in the ash tray upon her desk, bringing it to her lips and glowing red amidst the dimness of her abode as she took a drag, carelessly flicking ashes aside instead of in the tray, a smirk upon her lips breathing a ghostly miasma of cigarette smoke as her tired eyes beheld three...simple...letters: [h3]NSA[/h3] Finally, after a few long minutes and a few cigarettes later, Nora was able to crack her very own safe, the safe which contained what was unrightfully hers, the most highly valued information only the most prominent and prestige of hackers could ever access, and certainly her [i]clients[/i] would pay top dollar for this priceless intel. A rather satisfied and smug grin crossed the hacker's lips as she felt a sense of accomplishment had been made, though again it was not much of a daunting task for someone of her skill in the hacker community. [color=8dc73f]"Nice."[/color] In a bit of silent glee Nora whispered, another drag on her cigarette before snuffing it out and taking a swig of the half empty can of blue monster, her satisfied smile though twisting into a grimace at the disheartening taste of luke warm liquid seeping down her throat. She heard a few voices chattering over the clicking and clattering of her computer keys and the constant electric drone of her processor and her monitors, garnering her attention to turn around in the ratty and misshapen swivel chair she sat in and face the old driftwood door marred with several scratches and dents, most of them covered up by the large [url=http://store.vampirefreaks.com/product_get_pic.php?pid=3079&pic_num=3]black poster[/url] that was stuck to it with bent, rusty nails and thumbtacks, already ripped slightly in the lower left corner. That fucking drunk must be beating his wife again, Nora thought, and if so then he had better watch his back next time he meets Nora in the hallway. Standing from her chair and giving it a gentle push back to her desk, Nora snatched from the back of it the hooded black canvas jacket that was precariously hanging from it and threw it on over her black tanktop which had in bold, white letters [b]FUCK YOU![/b] with a skeletal hand underneath giving the finger, pulling the hood snug over her head and fishing from the pocket an extra pack of cigarettes. She stuck one between her lips and lit it before taking a slow drag and exhaling another haunting wisp of smoke into the thin air. Of course she didn't forget to download her most recent finds onto a flash drive and grab up her Walther as well, tucking it in her dark gray skinny jeans behind her back. Nora could hear more voices as she made her way out into the cold winter morning of the Bronx, a den of loathsome thieves, misers, and modern day brigands. The cops were already on the prowl as a cruiser sped past her kicking up such a racket, the battle-cry of justice....or supposed justice being a blanket term for brutality and oppression, while gunshots sounded in the distance. Nora was kinda expecting that of a place that looked like Birmingham after the Luftwaffe stormed through, seeing as she and the rest of these outcasts were among burned ruins of riots during the seventies and eighties, gang wars, and drug busts, all in a city that barely gave a shit about any of them. The streets, cluttered and trashy, smelling of garbage with a hint of rotting corpse. Blunt and emotionless Nora walked down the street to a bus stop, her destination, Manhattan. Afterwards, she had met the mysterious man once more at an undisclosed location, none to surprised of the James Bond cliches she rolled her eyes at before following the path towards the large and quite lavish meeting room. She sat down in the chair farthest from the group, slipping from the front pocket of her hoodie a seemingly normal iPhone, but what lied beyond the cracked and scuffed screen of this, in more recent terms, dinosaur of technology was an impressive amount of modified circuitry and hardware, not to mention some powerful software, that could grab New York by the balls with a swipe of the wrist. It was a gift to her from an old acquaintance, a renegade hacker and anarchist such as her, known only by his handle in the community as [color=fff200]P35t1l3Nc3[/color] or for the illiterate in leet, Pestilence. Nora was the one who gave him the handle, mostly because he reeked half the time she visited his apartment and it was infested with cockroaches. What looked like some punk college kid playing a rousing and monotonous game of Flappy Bird was actually a skilled and often dangerous cyber-criminal, now skimming through some very confidential files pilfered from under the nose of one Richter Howard. Damn....wouldn't his debutante wife love to see all that Nora had seized from the hardrive of her unfaithful husband's laptop. She bet the bitch would have a couple of questions concerning all those filthy emails and nude pics of under-aged girls. Fucking sicko....