[quote=@Corpus Venenum] I'm sorry to hear that no one's ever shown you that level of respect before. That's heresy to someone like me; everyone, especially women, are to be treated with the utmost care and respect...unless they display behavior which is unbecoming of someone who deserves such treatment. Such is the way of a gentleman. [/quote] You know, people like you are rare these days and I appreciate that you are considerate of others feelings, otherwise I would've had to have beaten you to death with a tire iron and then feed your corpse to wild pigs. I'm a misanthrope but every once in a while, it brings me hope to see humanity is capable of some good. [url=https://m.youtube.com/?#/watch?v=qqK1FrO3BdM]but until otherwise..[/url] [quote=@liferusher] [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRixOWMH0LU[/url] very good song in the start its a bit boring but wait for it. [/quote] *adds Your Lie in April to list* And it is a great song! ^.^