[center][img]http://www.blogcdn.com/www.joystiq.com/media/2012/10/omega.jpg[/img][/center] [u]2184 CE[/u] It has been several months since Commander Shepard, the hero of Citadel died suddenly whilst out on patrol in the galaxy. The chatter about it has dulled down and life returned to normal, for some it did not even change with his death. On the space station Omega, located in the treacherous Terminus Systems all kinds of life thrives, struggles and dies. No central government controls this mined out asteroid, the de facto 'Queen' of Omega is Aria T'Loak, but she is not involved with this chapter which takes place in her queendom. Mercenaries, assassins, bounty hunters, smugglers, gangsters, all kinds of morally incorrect beings live on the space station. The best of the best are known by name, others prefer not to be known. Some are in organized groups such as the Blue Suns, others are freelancers. There is money to be made on Omega, power to be gained, wrongs to be righted. This is where you come in, you are a person familiar with Omega, someone that can be counted on, someone willing to do what is asked of them for the right price. A few days ago, you received a mysterious message asking you to come to a location on Omega, the message simply stated that the messenger was offering a series of job offers on the station. The promised payment was said to be very high, whether it be credits, favors, equipment or whatever, the person on the other end promised that you would receive it in return for your service. You accepted the offer. [hider=Rules] 1. No godmodding, meta gaming, etc. 2. Proper grammar, no one liners. At least a solid paragraph per IC post. 3. Original characters only. Only those of the approved races as well. 4. Character death is possible. 5. One character per person. 6. No fighting on the OOC. If any issues arise then they must be directed to me. 7. Profanity is cool, keep the romance at a PG - 13 level. Fade to black. 8. Don't just disappear from the RP please. If you are going to be unavailable to post then please tell me beforehand. If you disappear without a word for a week then you will be removed from the RP. 9. My word is law as the GM. By joining this RP you agree to listen to me and follow the rules to their fullest extent. 10. Add the word 'Spectre' to the bottom of your CS so I know you read the rules. [/hider] [hider=Character sheet] Name - Age - Species - (Approved species are: Asari, Batarian, Drell, Human, Krogan, Quarian, Salarian, Turian and Vorcha) Gender - Appearance - (No anime pictures) Occupation - (Mercenary, bounty hunter, etc) Class - (Adept, Engineer, Vanguard, Sentinel, Soldier or Infiltrator) Powers - (Up to six. [url=http://masseffect.wikia.com/wiki/Powers_(Mass_Effect_3)]See the wiki article for further information[/url]) Weapons - Armor/Apparel - Equipment - Personality - Bio - [/hider] Please post the CS on the OOC.