[center][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZplYCLof3fM]~A Hypnic Jerk~[/url][/center] As Kaite stepped out into the hall, they looked both ways and sighed, breaking out into a shivering fit as the door slid closed behind him. He wasn't the biggest fan of new things, and if it was anything like the last jump...well. Doing his best to collect himself with shaking his hands and trying to control it all, he started off down the hall. ~~~~ [Hider=Part 1: Unexpected Side Effects] [color=8882be]And then it hit me, what was I accomplishing by leaving my post and walking away from everyone? Granted, I had no purpose there; I mean, it's not like we'd be attacked while going so fast, and with the company we now kept? I guess it was easy to feel silly, there was so much to feel silly about.[/color] [color=f7976a]"I know, right? Tch, just let Rayland blow smoke if he has a problem with it"[/color] [color=8882be]The voice came to my left, looking over, it occurred to me that I was being carried. My vision was blurry as the faint smell of cherries and light tobacco wafted into my senses. I coughed and the man chuckled, lightly. I don't recall having ever seen him before, and his nametag on his mechanic uniform simply read 'Scott'. His features were nearly impossible to distinguish, although he looked middle-aged. [/color] [color=f7976a]"An'whats he gonna do? Kick you off the ship?"[/color] [color=8882be]"Fire me..."[/color] [color=f7976a]"Oh, heh, hes a box of rusty nails and a leaky pipe that refuses to be fixed, but hes no monster...as far as I know"[/color] [color=8882be]"Heh. Why are you carrying me?"[/color] [color=f7976a]"Well, there was no point to just letting you lay in the hall like a cryptic metaphore"[/color] [color=8882be]"A vaht?"[/color] [color=f7976a]"Couldn't think of anything witty"[/color] [color=8882be]"I see...you [i]do[/i] know who I am, right?"[/color] [color=f7976a]"You are...let's see...073 Jericho Kaite of The Infamous Alto"[/color] [color=8882be]"How...don't call me by my number"[/color] [color=f7976a]"It was hard to miss..."[/color] [color=8882be]At this point, a dull chill began to take over my torso as I looked over, seeing the number on my shoulder, my shirt nowhere to be found. "Hey! Vhen did-"[/color] [color=f7976a]"Woah, don't look at me like that! Ha ha ha, you're not my type, kid"[/color] [color=8882be]"Let me guess, you're [i]'Scott'[/i]...of the infamous alto?"[/color] [color=f7976a]"I'm sorry, what?"[/color] [color=8882be]"I said, you're-" And I was sitting at my desk in my room, one elbow on the top with my flavored vaporizer between my fingers. On the desk was Doctor Rodger Hoppington...or what was left of him; the stuffed animal was splayed out, the number '73' burnt into its face from what appeared to be tiny dots from a contact element usually found...in a vaporizer. Cleaning instruments laid next to it and the vaporizer was cold although primed, ready for reuse. The muffled sound of my washing machine making the soft 'Vvv-sk-skot...vv-sk-skot' of the rotations. [i]Well.[/i] The view out the open hatch to my photosynthesis chamber showed the slurry of lights that flew past, already in the middle of the jump. The distant glint of stars gently drifting by was beautiful, but I had...[/color] Kaite looks down at the Rabbit in a business suit, its face ruined with the tiny dots. His expression is blank as he takes a drag of the vaporizer and slowly sets it down next to the doll. [color=8882be] ...[i]things[/i]...to deal with.[/color][/hider] ~~~~ He sat in his room for a bit, changing out of his pants and such that had also been marred by 'sea sickness'. Throwing them in the cleanser with the rest of his uniform, he changed into his [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/77/76/67/777667e7563903e15a1a9ba58e690f6e.jpg]fallback attire[/url]. The call over the comms from Sel was enticing, although he concluded that his 'symptoms' might be a bit more than the doctor was able to prescribe for. Still, it was worth checking out what other people might be getting. On a positive note, he wasn't queasy. Maybe a headache... He stepped out of his room, straitening his tie and adjusting his holster webbing as he started off towards Sel's room, a noticeable two inches shorter without the boots.