[hider=Character Sheet][b]Name[/b]: Aidan Cooper [b]Age[/b]: 21 [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b][url=http://th07.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2013/173/4/d/veronica_hawke_formal_attire_by_zoidsfan507-d6a85hr.jpg]Apperance[/url][/b] [b]Aspect[/b]: A suit of armor filled with various shades of gold and red which dance and flicker enchantingly within the thick plates that make it. Although it appears to be a heavy set full plate, it is virtually weightless without sacrificing any protection, allowing its wearer to move freely and swiftly while still stopping most attacks. When the armor isn't needed, it transforms into a phoenix shaped pendant that Aiden wears around his neck. [b]Area of Specialty[/b]: Manifestation (Fire) [b]Personality[/b]: From a very young age there was nothing that she found more interesting than being a spectator to a fight or an argument. So long as it stays civil he enjoys nothing more than watching different groups presenting evidence so that both sides better understand the other. Often she finds herself sympathizing with both sides, and has trouble finding who she stands with. She treats all others with curiousness and respect, even if they don't deserve it. [b]Bio[/b]: Growing up Aidan was tight lipped and wide eyed. She didn't talk much but was very active and dangerously curious, some might even say rude. She would often wander off to investigate where people went, what caused that sound, or even something as simple as what was around that corner. As she got older she slowed down, but only because she had more knowledge to work with and could form informed opinions and hypotheses. But that wasn't the only thing that changed. On her walks she noticed that on several occasions things would spontaneously combust. After a while she got the strange feeling that it was her, and she wasn't wrong. After a long while she had partial control over it, enough to prevent accidents. As she got older, no matter what age she was, she could never find someone who shared the same interests she did, so she spent most of his time alone either in the library reading or attending some local political function. When most of the kids her age dreamed of being firemen, astronauts or sports stars, she knew she wanted to help others and hoped to become a politician or ambassador. To help prepare herself for this goal she joined various clubs and organizations to help improve her charisma, such as debate club and model UN while also taking part in many community activities held for the needy. One day when she was much older, she had the unfortunate experience of being present at a bank robbery. She knew better to keep his mouth shut and let them do what they wanted, but one of the robbers didn't have the same idea. Maybe he was messed up in the head or had some twisted sense of fun, but he pointed his gun at a bystander and pulled the trigger. Without even thinking Aiden jumped in front of the bullet, but never felt it hit. Opening her eyes she saw her aspect for the first time, a blazing set of armor too beautiful for words, knowing full well that it blocked the bullet. She understood that this could be one of two truths, either she was dreaming or she was awake. Either way she wasn't going to let these crooks get away. Without a second thought she rushed them, more shots were fired, but again she wasn't hurt. From there it wasn't too hard to dispatch some nervous, scared, confused and now useless gunmen, granted her affinity for burning things. Sometime later she was contacted by Caldwell's Academy, and offered station at the school. She had no interest in being a knight or exploiting her powers, but the prospect of being a peacekeeper sounded right up her ally. Leaving home and arriving at the school she hoped to be useful, as well as figure out just what all of this means for her.[/hider] [s]Don't want my work to be lost. I'll add an appearance and finish it up later. Real fast, what is the age group are we working with here?[/s] And finished. I opted to change her gender to Female due to the majority of the party being Male. Other than that, same character.