[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/FOp7L4o.png[/img][img]http://i.imgur.com/dqHFqzU.jpg[/img][img]http://i.imgur.com/fwaiXOG.png[/img][/center] Contents of the world of Magvel You don’t need to read it if you don’t want to, all you really need to know is Jehanna is attacking Grado, you can’t win, let us flee. The above two posts will do fine, this is all just extra effort of mine. Renais [hider][b]Info:[/b] A nation that primarily takes pride in their nature as good people, the people of Renais may seem a bit more archetypically medieval than others, taking pride in their large castles, noble lords and their happy and bountiful amounts of peasantry assisting those who defend them. Their forces are strong, but they are in fact not a very powerful nation when compared to its neighbors. The presence of monsters leaves most of Renais’ knights too occupied to support anywhere else, and villages far from the castles take a healthy dose of assistance from Jehanna’s mercenaries. [b]Terrain:[/b] Renais is essentially placed in the valley between two mountain ranges, though the distance between these mountains is considerable. On one side the kingdom is linked to the Kingdom of Frelia, while on the other side it is linked to the Grado Empire and the Kingdom of Frelia. Renais contain a large amount of well-paved roads as well as villages and castles along the mountain-sides, it is never difficult to get where you desire. Stray from the roads and you’re sure to be travelling through light forest soon enough, though. [b]Army:[/b] When you think of Renais’ army the first thing that got to come to your mind is the Knights of Renais. With a large amount of Knights, Soldiers and Cavaliers along with their promotions the armored and riding noble warriors of Renais are well known for their ability to take a hit when they need to and travel fast when they need to. Their country-side is also well-known for sporting a fair amount of more diverse warriors, including Fighters and Mages for support. [b]Leadership:[/b] Renais is led by Ginnava, the Paladin Queen. She is, just like her people would expect her to, a noble soul who would sooner see herself upon a spear than give in to the cruelties of the world. A respected individual known to go out of her way to support her countrymen and her friends of other nations, she is known to be a good soul who cares little for herself as long as she can see others smiling happily. … Ginnava tends to overwork herself with stress, though, and be a bit indecisive. She certainly does not approve of Jehanna’s attack on Grado, but Renais does not have the martial might to stop Jehanna’s assault…[/hider] Frelia [hider][b]Info:[/b] Frelia is located to the north-west, where it is now one of the most cowardly nations. Their people have moved their people onto mountains and islands to escape monsters, and built their military to focus on holding the enemy on a distance with Pegasus Knights and Archers. They have been able to hold their own against monsters without Jehanna’s support, but their people have grown more distrustful as of late. Especially towards Jehanna, they’re growing too strong for their own good. With the war breaking out, there is a tear in the nation, two sides split on the cause of action they should take… [b]Terrain:[/b] Frelia is mostly well-known for the large plains they sport, which makes it even more difficult to hide from the ever-present Pegasus Knights. Ever since monsters appeared, Frelia has been known to eliminate patches of forests and move their population up on their few mountains and onto the islands along the coasts, Pegasus Knights constantly scouting the air. In order to get from one place to another in Frelia, expect to be forced to cover a large amount of plain plains, and sometimes even need to get into a boat or climb up a steep slope in order to finally reach a settlement. Unless you’re flying. [b]Army:[/b] Frelia’s army isn’t very large compared to Jehanna’s, however they have done their utmost effort to make their army built for the terrain around them. Forcing any monster to either fly or climb a steep slope to get to them, the Frelian army is known to sport highly accurate archers and the ever famous Pegasus Knights, as Pegasi live natively on the plains of Frelia. They do also have Knights and Priests to support defensively, but the majority of the deal is definitely done with raining arrows and Pegasus Riders finding the monster with their scouting capabilities and then whittling them down with hit-and-run attacks. Monsters don’t tend to have much defense, you see. The air certainly is the dominion of Frelia, be it flying beasts or flying arrows… [b]Leadership:[/b] King Kennard of Frelia is known as the Sky King. People are unsure where to place him. Ever since he has taken over for his father, he has done what is expected of him to keep the nation safe, but seems to be quick to sacrifice people that could have been saved with some risk because of said risk. He seems lax in his mannerism, and doesn’t seem to show much distress when people are in danger. Sometimes he says things that seems to be purposely devised to rile up his commanders, since the people of Frelia are known to be noble at heart. This is causing a growing rift between him and part of his people, especially his Pegasus Commander, Mariona.[/hider] Jehanna [hider][b]Info:[/b] Jehanna is the mercenary nation of the desert, where horses cause you nothing but trouble. The king or queen of Jehanna is always the High Guildmaster of all the guilds, and he or she commands all the others despite them all often acting on their own. Due to a combination of monsters having trouble attacking in the sands and that other people needs mercenaries to support them against unhindered monsters, Jehanna has flourished and grown exponentially in population due to success, it is today the most powerful nation of Magvel. And of course, as a desert nation, they’re really difficult to invade. [b]Terrain:[/b] Jehanna is the desert nation, and that should tell you all you need to know. The northern ridges contain mountains and actually a few swamps, but the majority of Jehanna is covered in nothing but large and hot desert. The settlements here are surprisingly many, connected by roads in the sand. You’ll quickly find horses get stuck in the sand. The sand is difficult to navigate, giving many more questionable guilds someplace to hide in the desert, and there exists many an underground palace for the growing population of the desert mercenaries. If you were wondering, the capital is rather close to the west edge of Jehanna where people can reach it without going through too much desert, and one can request the more obscure guilds in the desert from there, having the experts travel there with the message without having to lift a finger. Goes way faster, too. [b]Army:[/b] Seeing how deserts usually stop the movement of any riding or armored people, Jehanna’s army is filled with strong and fast sword users as well as magic users. Mercenaries, Myrmidons, Thieves, Mages, and a whole lot of other kinds. However, the mercenaries of Jehanna has lately spread across the world and are therefore also taken to simply adapting to whatever class that fits their current landscape, so Jehanna’s army might be the most diverse there is, not only the largest. … It should also be noted that the army of Jehanna is comprised of guilds, not actual troops, and don’t always need to follow their leader’s desires. What I’m trying to say here is; who needs bandits when they have rogue Jehanna guilds? [b]Leadership: [/b]The King of Red Sands, Sion, is a calm and collected individual, not afraid to show an edge, not afraid to show that he’s superior. He’s capable of showing a gentle and kind part should he desire to, or a powerful and condescending part should he see the need to. In short, nobody is really sure what kind of character he really is, but it is true that he has been seeing his mercenaries have to fight monsters after monsters, dying here and there due to these common attacks, and he has been reported cursing over reports days upon end seeing the lists of casualties. Maybe, did something cause the final straw to drop as he commanded the invasion on Grado…? [hider=More on Jehanna Guilds]While largely attributed as a gentle, smiling and hardworking soul, he’s also been noted for his skill for combat, kindness for his people, mysterious atmosphere and complete unpredictability as he likes to act on whims. The Royal Guild is, of course, the largest and most powerful Guild. Previously the King or Queen was only the highest Guildmaster, but in recent years they’ve started commanding a guild of their own. It is by far the most varied guild, with everything from Swordmasters to Sages to Generals to Snipers to Paladins to Bishops to Wyvern Knights to… practically all. However, hiring from them takes a pretty large sum of money. Four Guild Leaders: [i]Crau, Assassin.[/i] He is the leader of the most famous assassination’s guild, Dark Eye Guild, which is not primarily supported by the state of Jehanna but is under the King’s rule nonetheless. A guild of thieves and ne’er-do-wells, they are infamous for their efficiency and the fact they take on any job for the right pay, no matter the morals. The guild itself is pretty liberal, a member doesn’t need to answer any summons and can be involved in whatever they like. [i]Rhodri, Berserker.[/i] A more old-fashioned and brutal guild, Rhodi’s guild takes money where they can and fight where they can. With a hearty bunch of mercenaries, fighters and knights at his command, they fight all day and party all night. They may be unruly at times, but many can confirm the awesome power of the Wheel Guild’s warriors. They’ve been stationed in Grado for a while, and the nation has many times been grateful for their protection. Now, however… [i]Eira, Sage. [/i]The one primarily in charge of making sure Jehanna itself stays safe. Her guild contains many magic-users and flyers, beings unopposed by the harsh deserts of Jehanna. With many scouts placed far and wide across the desert nation, should any monsters appear anywhere within the borders she’ll be sure to appear within moments to strike them down. Should you attempt to invade Jehanna, Eira’s Storm Guild will undoubtedly be the first to stop you in your tracks. [i]Aderyn, Falcon Knight.[/i] A former Frelian who joined a mercenary guild of Jehanna in hopes of being able to defend the entire world from darkness, no matter where they are. Composed mainly of members from other nations who have wanted to help on their own, Aderyn’s Sky Guild includes a lot of flying and riding units prioritizing to arrive at the place of emergency as fast as possible, and have been known to help for no pay in times of need. They work all over the world. Of course, there are many, many smaller guilds as well, all loyal to the King…[/hider][/hider] Grado [hider][b]Info:[/b] Grado is the largest nation of Magvel when going by landmass, and it is also the nation which houses the Fire Emblem, the Sacred Stone containing the soul of the Demon King. It was also the most powerful nation, until 300 years ago when the earthquake destroyed so much. Then monsters appeared, and Grado had to hire the mercenaries of Jehanna to look out for all their spread out population using all the gold they had. … Aside from that, Grado is known for being a nation of research, their shamans constantly researching new ways of using and abusing dark magic to help the lives of the citizens, a practice other nations look down on. It is also the native country of the Wyvern, and also sported the largest fleet... until Jehanna attacked. [b]Terrain:[/b] Three hundred years ago Grado was rocked by a devastating earthquake. This has left giant rifts in the ground, roads disconnected and all forms of deformed land. Grado is known for being a nation of water and cities. No matter where you go, there will be a river or a lake of water, possibly surrounded by some forests and some mountains. A large part of Grado is over a smaller sea, and ships are available to cross it. The nation has healed over the past 300 years, with bridges and other ways around the new chasms that have opened up through cities and roads, sometimes creating new lakes or rivers. [b]Army: [/b]Grado’s army was decimated along with its population 300 years ago, and they’re still working to recover, but the fact they’ve been trusting Jehannan mercenaries with keeping them safe isn’t helping their military power, which remains inexperienced since Jehanna keeps stealing the exp. However, Grado was and will remain known for the Shamans which use dark magic to deal striking blows to enemies, as well as for the powerful Wyvern Riders which are known to strike well and true given the chance. Grado’s military in general likes force, with Fighters, Knights along with promotions giving them their back-bone… However, as said, Jehanna is way more powerful. [b]Leadership: [/b]The Court Emperor of Grado, Rioga, has been known as a just and good leader of his people for many years. He has been trying to loosen the nation’s dependency on Jehanna by strengthening the Grado military, but it is difficult. He has become known as the Court Emperor by swiftly hunting down the bandits that were plaguing Grado and giving them public trials where he warned what would happen should one try to prey on the “weakened” Grado Empire. Should he have been allowed to continue, it would be easy to imagine the Grado Empire soon enough rising back to its former glory, with all the bases covered and its people living happily. … As is, however…[/hider] Rausten [hider][b]Info:[/b] The Theocracy of Rausten is a religiously lead nation existing just north of Jehanna. The people of Jehanna considers themselves well educated, with numerous schools and churches around in which one can study the information of the world in. They’re probably the ones most familiar with the nature of the monsters around, and it is therefore that when a highly acclaimed professor of Rausten said monsters would disappear forever if the Sacred Stone of Grado would be destroyed, people believed it. The people of Rausten are very devout to their religion, which we do not know what exactly it entails so please do not ask. Of course, they’re not the only nation with healers, but their numbers are thickest here, many people of Rausten travelling the world to help and heal people from monsters, often in tandem with Jehannan mercenary bands (‘cause clergy needs defense). [b]Terrain:[/b] The north-east of Magvel is hiding behind a mountain, you can only get there from Jehanna or by boat from Frelia. The proudly religious and academically educated people of Rausten lives in large cities surrounded by the thickest woods in all of Magvel. The forests of Rausten are known for being the creepiest of their kind, and they’re literally everywhere, forest being the signature type of land in Rausten. Roads connect the large academic cities, which may be the largest cities in Magvel, but they’re also few and tight in between, leaving a lot of room for dark forests in which monsters roam perhaps the freest in all of Magvel. … But that is barely a problem for the people of Rausten, because… [b]Army: [/b]… A large portion of their army is built up from the clergy. Monks, troubadours, clerics, priests and all the promotions they come with, large shining amounts of light-magic wielders pronouncing their faith. And backed up by the Knights of Rausten, a troop of Cavaliers, Knights and their promotions that aren’t as well known or powerful as the Knights of Renais but do their defensive job, the light-magic wielders are effectively defended as they can always count on being able to blast monsters to smithereens. Rausten counts itself as one of the safest nations, seeing how the monsters are weak to the light magic of their Bishops. The army is solely geared to fight monsters, though. [b]Leadership:[/b] The current Emperor of Rausten is the young newly crowned Edan, the Celestial Emperor. His father recently passed away and the young inexperienced Emperor has been trying to lead his people as fairly and efficiently as he can, but he requires a lot of looking after. This is why he has the advisor, Uamhas, a good friend of the previous Emperor standing constantly by his side, guiding and teaching the young Emperor using all his experience from the past in order to ensure that young Edan grows up to be a respectable Emperor. … The same holds true for the situation at hand. Reports say that Edan is struggling to see what should be the right cause of action at this point with Jehanna attacking Grado, but Uamhas has apparently told him to simply… let it happen.[/hider] Carcino [hider][b]Info:[/b] Carcino is a merchant’s nation which is built up primarily by a few really, really rich merchants and then a whole lot of peasants trying to live off their services. Almost all trade in Magvel goes through Carcino and they’re known to be really close to the desert nation of Jehanna recently, the services of mercenaries getting many offers through the defense the trade of Carcino requires. The nation is a republic, led by a votes council of people the country trusts, though this tends to split the already small nation up into sections, with each section supporting their representative and that representative alone. … It is also filled with all sorts of scum and thieves, due to the sheer amount of poor people the few rich people cause to fill the streets by taking their money. More work for the mercenaries, eh? [b]Terrain: [/b]Mountains and plains, are what most of Carcino is filled with. Carcino predictably contains more mines than any other nation, the surrounding mountains preyed upon for the minerals to make weapons and more. The plains are useful for the roads the wagons of the merchants have to take, and the nation is conveniently close to Jehanna so they can hire their assistance. Being just slightly off the center, the only nation Carcino is relatively far away from is Grado, which they can get to by going through the not-desert top of Jehanna for a bit. Still, avoid the mountain paths, they’re treacherous. [b]Army:[/b] Carcino doesn’t really have an army, but the forces that can be counted are the private militia gathered by the distinctive merchants. As they often need to travel, the merchants often stock up on Cavaliers, Thieves and Mages, the kinds that can move fast and keep a look-out for them in case the worst should happen. They’re not strong compared to the armies of the nations, but should suffice to give any small group of bandits or similar something to think twice about. And, as already mentioned, Carcino heavily employs the services of Jehanna in return for trading them the resources a desert nation simply doesn’t have, and as such count on dealing with the army of Jehanna as well when fighting anyone from Carcino. [b]Leadership:[/b] There are four prominent members of the council of Carcino that is of note. [hider=The Four Councilmen][i]Vinci, a Bishop.[/i] He is chosen as a representative of the people and can be considered the leader of the council. He is a very efficient man who never acts with emotions, always does the most efficient trade and comes up with intelligent solutions to problems, but is also known not to have a life outside work, and be filled with stress. [i]Bardi, a Sage.[/i] He is a flimsy, comedic, inventive and random merchant who has earned the love of the people of Carcino through random acts of charity despite his sometimes more devious dealings that are usually kept in the dark. He trades in all sorts of random things, but cannot catch up to the size of Simoni’s company. He commands the largest army of the four. [i]Urbino, a Druid. [/i]He is the most mysterious of the four, a merchant who deals with ancient knowledge and magic which has proved to be most successful in the market and driven several shaman researchers in Grado crazy because “YOU CAN’T SELL THAT!”. He has a habit of vanishing without a trace when he’s done, and hiding his face behind a skull-mask. [i]Simoni, a Valkyrie.[/i] She’s the daughter of an honest merchant, and taking over his business she’s making sure to trade in food and arms as a general vendor in order to make sure as many people are supplied as possible. The leader of the largest trade federation in Carcino, she draws a lot of ill attention for being big while being so honest…[/hider][/hider] Caer Pelyn [hider][b]Info: [/b]A small village that does not consider itself part of any individual nation that lies in the mountains between Carcino, Jehanna and Rausten. It is a secluded little village high enough in the mountains that those unused to the height will become winded. The village continues to hold tight to the stories of old, and is the only place where one can hear the stories of the ancients before the time of the war against the Demon King, about the ancient dragons and history and spells long forgotten. Due to the efforts of a rather influential sage 300 years ago, it is also now the only location where one can find a small handful of Manaketes living happily with humans. [b]Terrain: [/b]Not much that hasn’t already been mentioned. It is a collection of houses that can be called a village sated high up the mountain where people normally never bother them, few actually know the town exists at all. The citizens survive on their own crops and hunts, and continue doing their job to keep the stories alive. It is mostly mountains and plains up there, with other words. [b]Army: [/b]Caer Pelyn is only a village and hence does not have any army. … However, the human residents have traditions to practice magic of both modern and ancient times, resulting in Mages and Shamans being somewhat common to find here. Also, while weapons of iron or steel may be uncommon up here and it is only a village, it is still a really bad idea for any army to try to storm the village. For it is protected by a handful of Manaketes, who due to incidents of the past have taken quite the liking to this place due to the kindness shown to them by the humans living here, and those wishing to try their luck against the ancient dragons are asking to be hurt. They tend to stay out of human wars, though. Not their business. [b]Leadership: [/b]The town of Caer Pelyn is currently under the charge of the kind but strict old woman called Dana. She looks over the village with a nice and watchful gaze, ensuring the young kids learn the things they need to, that the men and women look after the duties assigned to them and that the residential Manaketes have a nice time. Of course, the Manaketes work too, or they’d feel left out. Mahovvy, a Manakete woman who can be playful when she wants to and mature when she wants to, has found herself being somewhat of a representative of the Manakete side of the town, but since Manaketes are very independent anyways they cannot really be represented as a group by one person, they just drift off and do what they feel like, anyway. Just that, Mahovvy is in charge as a Manakete to ensure the other Manaketes aren’t just messing around, which can be exactly as difficult as it sounds.[/hider] .... So, um... ... ... ... Interested?