[quote=@chukklehed] Or he could get a warning before it happens and suddenly run off [/quote] That works for me. Also, I am changing him and going for something that's more my style anyways. [hider=Jump-In Type Character] (Basically, she's my character for when I want to jump in but can't be in IC 24/7 You'll see this evident in his Powers Section.) [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ac/2c/a7/ac2ca7e5162560eba6a5970aa248368d.jpg[/img][/center] [b][color=seagreen]Kiri Green[/color][/b] [b]4'8 || 93 lbs || Black Hair || Brown Eyes[/b] [b]"Kitty"[/b] [b]17 y/o[/b] [b]Female[/b] [b]Teleportation[/b] ~ An ability that Kiri has no control over. One second she will be speaking with a friend and the next she's staring down an African Lioness. His power explains a lot of his random wounds and bandages. She does however, get a small warning before the pop, however. Her nose begins to itch and her chest gets hot. ~ [b]Combat[/b] Kiri is a very weak fighter. What she lacks in strength, however, she makes up for in speed and her relative ability to make enemies soften their guard. [b]Crafts[/b] Kiri is really good at arts and crafts. She has a plethora of cute little sewn bunnies she carries her backpack. She has also given each one a name and a personality and when she is sad, she will take one out and walk around with it. [b]Math[/b] For whatever reason, Kiri is a math genius. Numbers are no problem for the little squirt. [b]Spare Time[/b] Kiri enjoys playing video games and listening to music in her spare time. She also likes to watch people play video games and sews while doing so. Kiri is a kind girl who often gets overlooked. She is very scatter brained and will often forget many things and then remember them randomly. She can be seen as very rude when she leaves abruptly but is very sincerely in her apologies. Kiri was born in a interesting house hold. She had no siblings, but her home is full of cats which she calls her brothers and sisters. Her mother would often yell at her for not calling them as such. Her father simply ignores it and goes on about his business. The reason for this was the complications that arose out of Kiri's birth. Those complications led to her mother's inability to have any more children and for a woman who wanted many children, this was a hard blow to handle. Kiri developed her ability around the age of 10 or so and has since been to the hospital many times. In order to try and control these tendencies, her parents sent her to Orean with the promise that the school would pay for her transportation back to the school as well as her hospital bills. [b]Likes[/b] Pretty/Cute Things Music Sweet/Salty Food Cats [b]Dislikes[/b] Ugly Things (Ugly not in terms of beauty but it terms of morality and such.) Spicy Food Math Men [b]Club[/b] Pet Lovers [b]Dreams[/b] To be able to control her powers and live normally, or at least semi-normally. [/hider]